Sound files starting with B
b5_comp.wav (44K) Points of Departure
- B5 computer, "Babylon 5 is divided into several
different sections."
b5bump4.wav (56K) Season 4
- Season 4, Babylon 5 commercial bumper, recorded from What
Ever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi.
b5bump42.wav (53K) Season 4
- Season 4, Babylon 5 commercial bumper, version 2, recorded from
b5bump43.wav (60K) Season 4
- Commercial bumper recorded from Atonement
b5bumpm1.wav (56K) In the Beginning
- Babylon 5 commercial bumper for In the Beginning.
b5bumpm2.wav (53K) Thirdspace
- Commerical bumper for Thirdspace.
b5bumpm3.wav (52K) River of Souls
- Commerical bumper for River of Souls.
b5bumpm4.wav (58K) A Call to Arms
- The commercial bumper for A Call to Arms.
b5bumpm5.wav (809K) Legend of the Rangers
- Legend of the Rangers commercial bumper.
b5bumps3.wav (65K) Season 3
- Season 3, Babylon 5 commercial bumper.
b5bump32.wav (52K) Season 3
- Season 3, Babylon 5 commercial bumper, recorded from Z'ha'dum.
b5dreams.wav (388K) All Alone in the Night
- Ivanova," Do you know who I am?"
- Garibaldi," The man in between is searching for
- Ivanova," You are the hand."
- Sheridan,"Why are you here."
- Kosh," We were never away. For the first time your
mind is quiet enough to here me.
- Sheridan,"Why am I here."
- Kosh,"You have always been here."
b5epilog.wav (1,344K) Sleeping in Light
- Music and sounds of Babylon 5 exploding.
- Ivanova, "Babylon 5 was last of the babylon stations. They
would never be another. It changed the future and it changed us.
It taught us that we have to create the future or others will do
it for us. It should us that we have to care for one other, because
if we don't, who will? And that true strength sometimes comes from
the most unlikely of places. Mostly, though I think it gave us hope
that there can always be new begins, even for people like us. As
for Delenn, every morning for as long she lived, Delenn got up
before dawn and watched the sun came up."
b5files.wav (17K) Born to the Purple
- B5 computer, "Files accessed."
b5guns.wav (74K) A Voice in the Wilderness II
- Ivanova, "Hyperion's forward guns powering up. Preparing to
b5model.wav 352K) Messages from Earth
- Marcus, "So, I went to the effort of preparing this chart.
Now then, here's you right here at the heart of everything and why
not. And here is me. This is the captain and here's Franklin.
Here's my mom and dad. There don't actually have anything to do
with it. It's a very good picture of them, don't you think?"
- Ivanova, "Marcus."
- Marcus, "I actually think I have come up with a way to
explain the organization structure of Babylon 5 using the Ottoman
empire as a model. It gets a little confusing around this bit here,
but one has to start somewhere."
b5online.wav (39K) Objects in Motion
- B5 computer, "Bab com unit on line."
b5quiet.wav (51K) A Tragedy of Telepaths
- Londo, "Oh, Great Maker, I will be glad to back on Babylon 5,
where it at least it was quiet!"
b5shutdn.wav (79K) Epiphanies
- PSI-Corps official, "So we have been given a new mandate...
the President wants Babylon 5 shut down ... permanently."
b5suport.wav (98K) A Voice in the Wilderness II
- Captian Pierce, "They've opened fire. Secondary gunner array
is targeting my ship. I'm launching fighters. Babylon 5, we need
your support."
- Sinclair, "Launch fighters. Fire at will."
b5them0.wav (1,142K) The Gathering, Pilot
- The opening theme for Babylon 5, Pilot, The Gathering
- Londo, "I was there at the dawn of the third age of mankind.
It began in the earth year 2257 with the founding of the last of the Babylon
stations, located deep in neutral space. It was a port of call for refugees,
smugglers, businessman, diplomats, and travellers from a hundred worlds. It
could be a dangerous place but we accepted the risk because Babylon 5 was
our last best hope for peace. Under the leadership of its final commander
Babylon 5 was a dream given form. A dream of a galaxy without war when
species from different worlds could live side by side in mutual respect.
A dream that was endangered as never before by the arrival of one man
on a mission of destruction. Babylon 5 was the last of the Babylon stations.
This is it's story."
b5them1.mp3 (mp3:1,383K) Season 1
- The opening theme for Babylon 5, Season 1, stereo in the mp3 format.
- Sinclair, "It was the dawn of the third age of mankind. Ten years
after the Earth Minbari war. The Babylon project was dream giving
form. It's goal to prevent another war by creating a place where
humans and aliens could work out their differences peacefully.
It's a port of call. Home away from home for diplomas, hustlers,
entrepreneurs, and wanders. Humans and aliens wrap in two million
five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal, all alone in the night.
It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last best hope for peace.
This is the story of last of the Babylon stations. The year is
2258. The name of the place is Babylon 5."
b5them1.wav (948K) Season 1
- The opening theme for Babylon 5, Season 1.
- Sinclair, "It was the dawn of the third age of mankind. Ten years
after the Earth Minbari war. The Babylon project was dream giving
form. It's goal to prevent another war by creating a place where
humans and aliens could work out their differences peacefully.
It's a port of call. Home away from home for diplomas, hustlers,
entrepreneurs, and wanders. Humans and aliens wrap in two million
five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal, all alone in the night.
It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last best hope for peace.
This is the story of last of the Babylon stations. The year is
2258. The name of the place is Babylon 5."
b5themg1.wav (952K) Season 1
- Season 1 opening theme, in German. It is male voice
without a face in the series.
- male voice, "Ich war dabei, als das dritte Zeitalter der Menschheit
begann. Zehn Jahre nach dem interstellaren Krieg zwischen den Menschen
und den Minbari. Das Babylon Projekt, ein uralter Traum, war
Wirklichkeit geworden. Um weitere Kriege zu verhindern, war ein Ort
geschaffen worden, an dem Menschen und Ausserirdische trotz aller
Unterschiede friedlich zusammenleben koennen. Babylon 5 ist eine
Anlaufstelle fur Fluechtlinge, Schmuggler, Geschaeftsleute, Diplomaten
und andere Reisende aus den verschiedensten Welten. Sie leben, umgeben
von 2 1/2 Millionen Tonnen Stahl, mitten im Weltraum. Es kann ein sehr
gefaehrlicher Ort sein, aber es ist auch die einzige und letzte
Hoffnung auf dauernden Frieden. Wir schreiben das Jahr 2258. Dies ist
die Geschichte der letzten grossen Weltraumstation, ihr Name ist
Babylon 5.
b5them1s.wav (916K) Season 1
- Opening theme in spanish.
- Sinclair, "Era el amanecer de la tercera era de la humanidad, diez
años después de
la guerra entre la Tierra y el Imperio Mimbari. El proyecto Babylonia era
un sueño que había cobrado forma. Su objetivo: prevenir otra guerra
creando un lugar, donde humanos y alienigenas conviviesen en paz. Es un
puerto de encuentro, un hogar lejos del hogar, para diplomáticos,
vividores, empresarios y viajeros decien mundos. Humanos y alienigenas
envueltos en dos millones quinientas mil toneladas de acero en rotación,
solos en la noche. Puede ser un sitio peligroso, pero es nuestra última
y única esperanza de paz. Esta es la historia de la última de la
estaciones Babylon. El año es el 2258. El nombre del lugar: Babylon 5.
b5them2.wav (956K) Season 2
- The opening theme for Babylon 5, Season 2.
- Sheridan, "The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. A
self-contained world five miles long, located in neutral territory. A place
of commerce and diplomacy for a quarter of a million humans and aliens. A
shining beacon in space, all alone in the night. It was the dawn of the
Third Age of Mankind... the year the Great War came upon us all. This is
the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2259. The name
of the place is Babylon 5.
b5themg2.wav (960K) Season 2
- Season 2 opening theme, in German. It is male voice
without a face in the series.
- Male voice, "Das Projekt Babylon war unsere letzte und einzige Hoffnung
auf Frieden. Eine fuenf Meilen lange Raumstation in einem neutralen
Sektor. Eine Welt des Handels und der Diplomatie fuer eine viertel Million
Menschen und Ausserirdische. Ein strahlendes Leuchtfeuer, einsam in der
Dunkelheit des Alls. Es war der Beginn des dritten Zeitalters der Menschheit,
das Jahr in dem fuer uns alle der grosse Krieg begann. Dies ist die
Geschichte der letzten grossen Weltraumstation. Wir schreiben das Jahr
2259. Der Name der Station: Babylon 5."
b5them2s.wav (920K) Season 2
- Opening theme in spanish.
- Sheridan, ""El proyecto Babylonia era nuestra última esperanza de
paz. Un mundo autosuficiente de ocho kilómetros de longitud, situado en
territorio neutral. Un lugar de comercio y diplomacia, para un cuarto de
millón de humanos y alienigenas. Un faro brillante en el espacio, solo,
en la noche. Era la tercera era de la humanidad, el año en el que la
gran guerra sobrevino sobre todos nosotros. Esta es la historia de la
última de la estaciones Babylon. El año es el 2259. El nombre del
lugar: Babylon 5."
b5them3.mp3 (1,359K) Season 3
- The opening theme for Babylon 5, season 3.
- Ivanova, "The Babylon project was our last best hope for peace.
It failed. But in the year of the shadow war, it became something
greater, our last best hope for victory. The year is 2260, the place
Babylon 5.
b5them3.wav (948K) Season 3
- The opening theme for Babylon 5, season 3.
- Ivanova, "The Babylon project was our last best hope for peace.
It failed. But in the year of the shadow war, it became something
greater, our last best hope for victory. The year is 2260, the place
Babylon 5.
b5themg3.wav (952K) Season 3
- Season 3 opening theme, in German. It is male voice
without a face in the series. The search engines do not understand
the characters that are not found in the english language, so
they are misspelling here. My apologizes to my german speaking
- Male voice, "Das Babylon Projekt war unsere letzte und einzige
Hoffnung auf Frieden. Diese Hoffnung scheiterte. In dem Jahr, in
dem der Krieg gegen die Schatten begann, wurde das Projekt zu etwas
grosserem ... zu unserer einzigen und letzten Hoffnung auf den Sieg.
Es ist das Jahr 2260. Ort der Handlung: die Raumstation Babylon 5 ."
b5them3s.wav (916K) Season 3
- Season 3 opening theme, in Spanish.
- Ivanova, "El proyecto Babylon era nuestra ultima esperanza de paz.
Fracasó. Pero en el año de la guerra de las sombras, se convirtió
en algo aún más importante. Nuesta ultima esperanza de victoria.
El año es el 2260. El lugar: Babylon 5.
b5them4.mp3 (1,381K) Season 4
- The opening theme for Babylon 5, season 4. Multi-voice opening
- Lennier, "It was the year of fire..."
- Zack, "the year of destruction..."
- G'kar, "the year we took back what was ours."
- Lyta, "It was the year of rebirth..."
- Vir, "the year of great sadness..."
- Marcus, "the year of pain..."
- Delenn, "and the year of joy."
- Londo, "It was a new age."
- Franklin, "It was the end of history."
- Ivanova, "It was the year everything changed."
- Garibaldi, "The year is 2261. The place:"
- Sheridan, "Babylon 5."
b5them4.wav (940K) Season 4
- The opening theme for Babylon 5, season 4. Multi-voice opening
- Lennier, "It was the year of fire..."
- Zack, "the year of destruction..."
- G'kar, "the year we took back what was ours."
- Lyta, "It was the year of rebirth..."
- Vir, "the year of great sadness..."
- Marcus, "the year of pain..."
- Delenn, "and the year of joy."
- Londo, "It was a new age."
- Franklin, "It was the end of history."
- Ivanova, "It was the year everything changed."
- Garibaldi, "The year is 2261. The place:"
- Sheridan, "Babylon 5."
b5themg4.wav (920K) Season 4
- Season 4 opening theme, in German. The search engines do not
understand the characters that are not found in the english
language, so they are misspelling here. My apologizes to my
german speaking visitors.
- Lennier, "Es war das Jahr des Feuers"
- Franklin, "...das Jahr der Zerstorung"
- G'kar, "...das Jahr, in dem wir zuruckeroberten, was uns
- Lyta, "Es war das Jahr der Wiedergeburt"
- Vir, "...das Jahr grosser Trauer."
- Marcus, "Es war das Jahr der Schmerzen"
- Delenn, "und das Jahr der Freude."
- Londo, "Es war ein neues Zeitalter."
- Franklin, "Es war das Ende der Geschichte"
- Ivanova, "...das Jahr, in dem sich alles veranderte."
- Garibaldi, "Das Jahr: 2261"
- Sheridan, "Ort der Handlung: Babylon 5."
b5them5.mp3 (1,363K) Season 5
- Season 5 opening theme, in MP3 format, 128bit, 44khz, stereo
- Kosh, "And so it begins." (Chrysalis)
- Minbari assassin, "There is a hole in your mind." (The pilot)
- Sinclair, "What do you want?" (And the Sky Full of Stars)
- G'kar, "No one here is exactly what he appears." (Mind War)
- Sinclair, "Nothings the same anymore." (Chrysalis)
- General Hague, "Commander Sinclair is being reassigned"
(Points of Departure)
- Londo, "Why don't you eliminate the entire Narn homeworld
while you are at it." (Revelations)
- Elric, "I see a great hand reaching out of the stars"
(The geometry of shadows)
- Sebastian, "Who are you?" (comes the Inquisitor)
- ISN Reporter, "President Clark has signed a decree today, declaring
martial law" (Messages from Earth)
- Sheridan, "These orders have forced us to declare
independence." (Severed Dreams)
- Bester, "Weapons supplies" (Ship of Tears)
- Sheridan, "Unless your people get of their encounter suited
butts and do something" (Interludes and Examinations)
- Zathras, "Your the one who was." (War without End II )
- Kosh, "If you go to Z'ha'dum you will die." (In the Shadow
of Z'ha'dum)
- Lorien, "Why are you here?" (The Hour of the Wolf)
- Lorien, "Do you have anything worth living for? " (What Ever
Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?)
- Delenn, "I think of my beautiful city in flames." (Rumors, Bargains, and Lies)
- Sheridan, "Giants in the play ground" (The Long Night)
- Sheridan, "Now get the hell out of our galaxy." (Into the fire)
- Sheridan, "We are here to place President Clark under arrest."
b5them5.wav (952K) Season 5
- Season 5 opening theme, recorded from No Compromises.
- Kosh, "And so it begins." (Chrysalis)
- Minbari assassin, "There is a hole in your mind." (The pilot)
- Sinclair, "What do you want?" (And the Sky Full of Stars)
- G'kar, "No one here is exactly what he appears." (Mind War)
- Sinclair, "Nothings the same anymore." (Chrysalis)
- General Hague, "Commander Sinclair is being reassigned"
(Points of Departure)
- Londo, "Why don't you eliminate the entire Narn homeworld
while you are at it." (Revelations)
- Elric, "I see a great hand reaching out of the stars"
(The geometry of shadows)
- Sebastian, "Who are you?" (comes the Inquisitor)
- ISN Reporter, "President Clark has signed a decree today, declaring
martial law" (Messages from Earth)
- Sheridan, "These orders have forced us to declare
independence." (Severed Dreams)
- Bester, "Weapons supplies" (Ship of Tears)
- Sheridan, "Unless your people get of their encounter suited
butts and do something" (Interludes and Examinations)
- Zathras, "Your the one who was." (War without End II )
- Kosh, "If you go to Z'ha'dum you will die." (In the Shadow
of Z'ha'dum)
- Lorien, "Why are you here?" (The Hour of the Wolf)
- Lorien, "Do you have anything worth living for? " (What Ever
Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?)
- Delenn, "I think of my beautiful city in flames." (Rumors, Bargains, and Lies)
- Sheridan, "Giants in the play ground" (The Long Night)
- Sheridan, "Now get the hell out of our galaxy." (Into the fire)
- Sheridan, "We are here to place President Clark under arrest."
b5them51.mp3 (1,390K) Season 5
- Season 5 opening theme, in MP3 format, 128bit, 44khz, stereo
- Kosh, "And so it begins." (Chrysalis)
- Minbari assassin, "There is a hole in your mind." (The pilot)
- Sinclair, "What do you want?" (And the Sky Full of Stars)
- G'kar, "No one here is exactly what he appears." (Mind War)
- Sinclair, "Nothings the same anymore." (Chrysalis)
- General Hague, "Commander Sinclair is being reassigned"
(Points of Departure)
- Londo, "Why don't you eliminate the entire Narn homeworld
while you are at it." (Revelations)
- Elric, "I see a great hand reaching out of the stars"
(The geometry of shadows)
- Sebastian, "Who are you?" (comes the Inquisitor)
- ISN Reporter, "President Clark has signed a decree today, declaring
martial law" (Messages from Earth)
- Sheridan, "These orders have forced us to declare
independence." (Severed Dreams)
- Bester, "Weapons supplies" (Ship of Tears)
- Sheridan, "Unless your people get of their encounter suited
butts and do something" (Interludes and Examinations)
- Zathras, "Your the one who was." (War without End II )
- Kosh, "If you go to Z'ha'dum you will die." (In the Shadow
of Z'ha'dum)
- Lorien, "Why are you here?" (The Hour of the Wolf)
- Lorien, "Do you have anything worth living for? " (What Ever
Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?)
- Delenn, "I think of my beautiful city in flames." (Rumors, Bargains, and Lies)
- Sheridan, "Giants in the play ground" (The Long Night)
- Sheridan, "Now get the hell out of our galaxy." (Into the fire)
- Sheridan, "We are here to place President Clark under arrest."
b5them52.wav (948K) Season 5
- Season 5 theme, recorded from Secrets of the Soul. The quotes are the same,
but are cleaner and some are much quieter.
- Kosh, "And so it begins." (Chrysalis)
- Minbari assassin, "There is a hole in your mind." (The pilot)
- Sinclair, "What do you want?" (And the Sky Full of Stars)
- G'kar, "No one here is exactly what he appears." (Mind War)
- Sinclair, "Nothings the same anymore." (Chrysalis)
- General Hague, "Commander Sinclair is being reassigned"
(Points of Departure)
- Londo, "Why don't you eliminate the entire Narn homeworld
while you are at it." (Revelations)
- Elric, "I see a great hand reaching out of the stars"
(The geometry of shadows)
- Sebastian, "Who are you?" (comes the Inquisitor)
- ISN Reporter, "President Clark has signed a decree today, declaring
martial law" (Messages from Earth)
- Sheridan, "These orders have forced us to declare
independence." (Severed Dreams)
- Bester, "Weapons supplies" (Ship of Tears)
- Sheridan, "Unless your people get of their encounter suited
butts and do something" (Interludes and Examinations)
- Zathras, "Your the one who was." (War without End II )
- Kosh, "If you go to Z'ha'dum you will die." (In the Shadow
of Z'ha'dum)
- Lorien, "Why are you here?" (The Hour of the Wolf)
- Lorien, "Do you have anything worth living for? " (What Ever
Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?)
- Delenn, "I think of my beautiful city in flames." (Moments of Transitio
- Sheridan, "Giants in the play ground" (The Long Night)
- Sheridan, "Now get the hell out of our galaxy." (Into the fire)
- Sheridan, "We are here to place President Clark under arrest."
b5them5g.wav (968K) Season 5
- Season 5 opening theme, in German.
- Kosh, "Und so beginnt es."
- Attentaeter, "Sie haben jetzt eine Luecke in ihrem
- Sinclair, "Was wollen Sie?"
- G'kar, "Niemand auf Babylon 5 ist genau dass, was
er zu sein scheint"
- Sinclair, "Nichts ist, wie es einmal war."
- General Hague, "Commander Sinclair wird versetzt."
- Londo, "Wieso elliminieren Sie nicht den ganzen Planeten
der Narn, wo Sie schon dabei sind?"
- Elric, "Ich sehe eine grosse Hand, die nach den Sternen
- Sebastian, "Wer bist du?"
- ISN Reporter, "Praesindent Clark hat heute per Dekret das
Kriegsrecht verhangen."
- Sheridan, "Durch diese Befehle wurden wir gezwungen uns
fuer unabhaengig zu erklaeren."
- Bester, "Waffen, Versorgungsmaterial"
- Sheridan, "Sie muessen endlich mal was unternehmen."
- Zathras, "Du bist der Eine, der gewesen ist."
- Kosh, "Sie koennen nach Z'Ha'dum fliegen, aber Sie
werden sterben."
- Delenn, "Nun muss ich mir vorstellen, das meine schoene
Staedt in Flammen steht... "
- Lorien, "Hast du etwas fuer das es sich lohnt zu leben?"
- Sheridan, "Und nun wird es Zeit, dass ihr unsere Galaxis
endlich verlasst!"
- Sheridan, "Wir sind hier, um Praesindent Clark zu
b5themm1.mp3 (1,043K) In the Beginning
- Delenn, "It is said that in every age, there is one single
event that forever changes the world around us. A nexus if you
will. (ships firing)"
- G'kar, "It is said that the future is always born in pain.
The history of war is the history of pain. If we are wise, what is
born of that pain, matures into the promise of a better world.
Because we learn that we can no longer afford the mistakes of the
past. (ships firing)"
- Delenn, "But in the pain of that war, a future was born. A
future that would one day have a name whispered on a hundred worlds
The final refuge for dreams. And our last, best hope for peace.
Babylon 5."
b5themm1.wav (740K) In the Beginning
- Delenn, "It is said that in every age, there is one single
event that forever changes the world around us. A nexus if you will.
(ships firing)"
- G'kar, "It is said that the future is always born in pain.
The history of war is the history of pain. If we are wise, what is
born of that pain, matures into the promise of a better world.
Because we learn that we can no longer afford the mistakes of the
past. (ships firing)"
- Delenn, "But in the pain of that war, a future was born.
A future that would one day have a name whispered on a hundred worlds
The final refuge for dreams. And our last, best hope for peace.
Babylon 5."
b5themm2.wav (620K) Thirdspace
- Sheridan, "It was the middle of the Earth year, 2261. The year
between wars and the beginning of a new age. The shadow war was
over, but there was still a darkness waiting for us at home.
President Santiago was assassinated and his successor, president
Clark, was turning Earth into a prison camp. We had broken away
from Earth and in retaliation, they quarantined us. Trying to
strangle our supply lines. We were desperate. We couldn't afford
to lose even a single supply ship. In the midst of all of this, we
made contact with Thirdspace and we almost did not survive it.
I only hope we never come across it again, because next time,
no one going to survive it."
b5themm5.mp3 (652K) Legend of the Rangers
- Dulann, "We are rangers. We walk in the dark places, no others
will enter."
- Grey council leader, "We do not break away from combat."
- Dulann, "We stand on the bridge and no one may pass."
- Grey council leader, "We do not retreat. Whatever the reason."
- Dulann, "We live for the one, we die for the one."
b5themm5.wav (7,575K) Legend of the Rangers
- Dulann, "We are rangers. We walk in the dark places, no others
will enter."
- Grey council leader, "We do not break away from combat."
- Dulann, "We stand on the bridge and no one may pass."
- Grey council leader, "We do not retreat. Whatever the reason."
- Dulann, "We live for the one, we die for the one."
b5xfer.wav (25K) Born to the Purple
- B5 computer, "Transfer of data complete"
bab-out.wav (25K) A Voice in the Wilderness I
- Ivanova, "Babylon control out"
bab5bump.wav (99K) Season 1
- Commercial break theme music.
babcomp1.wav (2K) Season 1
- B5 computer, "Beep"
babcomp2.wav(8K) Season 1
- B5 computer, "Beep"
babcomut.wav (30K) Darkness Ascending
- B5 computer, "(beep) Bab com unit standing by."
bablstat.wav (122K) In the Beginning
- President, "The babylon station will provide a place for us to work
out our problems peacefully. It is we believe, our last best hope
for peace."
bablyon4.wav (272K) War without End I
- Delenn, "Our greatest star base, the center of our efforts
in the war, had been destroyed by the Shadows. Without a long range
base of operations from which to launch our forces, we were doomed
to loss the war. Then as if an answer to our prays, a replacement
- Sheridan, "(dramatic music) Babylon 4!"
backduty.wav (124K) TKO
- Ivanova, "I'm ready to go back on duty, Sir."
- Sinclair, "Good. I had my fill of double shifts."
- Ivanova, "Perhaps you remember that next time Ms. Sakai
visit the station..."
backheel.wav (145K) Voices in the Dark
- Lochley, "Knocks you back on your heels huh."
bad_for.wav (37K) Babylon Squared
- Zathras, "Either way, it is bad for Zathras."
badfeelg.wav (92K) Movements of Fire and Shadow
- Londo, "I have this feeling, something is terribly wrong."
- G'kar, "Your at war with everyone in the know Universe.
Perhaps you were thinking of that."
badgers.wav (61K) Messages from Earth
- Marcus, "Did I mention that my nose is on fire? and that I have
fifteen wild badgers living in my trousers?."
badgers2.wav (91K) Messages from Earth
- Marcus, "Did I mention that my nose is on fire and that I have
fifteen wild badgers living in my trousers. I'm sorry, would you
prefer ferrets?"
badhabit.wav (50K) Rumors, Bargains and Lies
- Delenn, "This is the second time, I have seen you near death. You
are starting to acquire bad habits."
badvybad.wav (54K) Movements of Fire and Shadow
- Delenn, "This is bad than."
- Lennier, "Very bad Delenn."
baractgd.wav (50K) Darkness Ascending
- Garibaldi, "Because baring an act of God and since I don't believe
in God, that kind of narrows the odds a bit."
bargterr.wav (348K) Phoenix Rising
- Sheridan, "This is president Sheridan. I have consulted with
Captain Lochley and we have reached a decision regarding the current
situation. It is not the policy of the interstellar alliance or this
station to bargain with terrorist for the lives of hostages. If we
open that door even once, we will never be able to close it again.
You have two choices, surrender or we will use lethal force to bring
you down. You have ten minutes."
bastard2.wav (12K) Wheel of Fire
- Delenn, "Bastards!"
bastards.wav (36K) Moments of Transition
- Ivanova, "Bastards! Those cold hearted rat bastards!"
bathroom.wav (125K) A Voice in the Wilderness I
- Ivanova, "Commander"
- Sinclair, "Yea"
- Ivanova, "I think I got to go to the bathroom"
bck2norl.wav (37K) Eyes
- Ivanova, "(sounds of motorcycle) It's good to have things back to
bclegend.wav (188K) The Long Road
- Alwyn, "In ten or twenty years, this will become a legend.
Some people won't even believe that I existed. I don't think I mind
that, not at all ready. It's what we all want, isn't it? To become
something larger than ourselves, to enter living memory. Have them
talk about us when we've gone."
bcmenemy.wav (340K) Ruling from the Tomb
- Dureena, "You know on my world, it was considered a great evil
to even presume to speak on behalf of the Universe. "
- Eilerson, "Well, there a lot smarter than we are. What's that
old saying. Anyway. Christ came to tell us to love one another and
the last twenty-two hundred years, we've spent killing each other on
how he said it. When you become obsessed with the enemy, you become
the enemy."
- Dureena, "I'm starting to agree with him and that's more than
I can bare. Would you care to dance?"
- Trace, "Love to."
bdepress.wav (71K) A Tragedy of Telepaths
- Bester, "A little depressed about the inflation rate and
and hem lines are going down again, but otherwise ..."
- Zack, "Shut up!"
bdplanet.wav (448K) The Memory of War
- Galen, "But there are good planets and there are
bad planets. There are healthy planets and unhealthy planets.
There are safe planets and dangerous planets. This place is
know to every Technomage as a bad place, a deceased,
dangerous place."
- Eilerson, "You talk like that planet is alive."
- Galen, "Everything is alive, in it's way. Have you
ever been in a empty house and felt an oppressiveness, a shadow
on the soul? No multiply that by a billion times and that is
fairly radiating from this planet."
bealive.wav (504K) Ceremonies of Light & Dark
- Delenn, "Yes. You have lost much, endured much, sacrificed
greatly, but you cling to the memory of your sacrifices of all the
things you have lost or left behind. They drag behind you like
chains of your own making. They can have a terrible power over you
Marcus. The power of grief, and lost, and regret. Yes, you have
let go of the people, the places, the things, but you have not let
go of the pain. You have not forgiven yourself."
- Marcus, "For what?"
- Delenn, "Being alive."
beatthem.wav (61K) Strange Relations
- Lochley, "To pound someone, Mr. Allen. You win. If you can't
join them, beat them."
beauty.wav (576K) There All the Honor Lies
- Gregorian like chant.
beback.wav (62K) Passing through Gethsemane
- Lyta, "Hello commander. I said I would be back."
becomgod.wav (776K) The Hour of the Wolf
- Emperor Cartagia, "The Emperor is the soul of the people. The
center of this republic. This whole world may parish, the emperor goes on,
we go on. The first emperors, the greatest of us, were proclaimed
deities by the ancient gods, in exchange for loyalty. They became
immortal. There names revived for generations to come. Prays offer
up to them even in the temples today and now, now these gods of old
have returned. And through them, I will become a god myself! That
is my destiny! I've know it all my life. It's what I was born for.
And when the time comes, Mollari, the people will gladly lay down
there lives, so that I maybe elevated to godhood. What are a few
million lives compared to the glory of becoming a living god. And
when I become a god, I will forgive you your rudeness, Mollari.
Then my capacities will be infinite. For now, I will simply try to
beep-neg.wav (25K) Confessions and Lamentations
- B5 computer, "(Beep) Negative"
beepbeep.wav (71K) The Gathering, Pilot
- Garibaldi, "Beep beep."
- Londo, "Beep beep? It must be Earth Humor."
befaster.wav (68K) Lines of Communication
- Lennier, "Drakh mothership is heading for the jumpgate."
- Delenn, "How fast?"
- Lennier, "Fast."
- Delenn, "Be Faster!"
befree.wav (528K) The long, Twilight Struggle
- NOTE: In my personal opinion, this is the most powerful statement
G'Kar has every made.
- G'Kar, "No Dictator, no invader can hold an imprisoned
population by force of arms forever. There is no greater
power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against
that power governments and tyrants, and armies can not stand.
The Centauri learned this lesson once, we will teach it to
them again. Though it take a thousand years, WE WILL BE
beingsun.wav (376K) In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum
- Delenn, "There are beings in the universe billions of years older
than either of our races. Once, long ago, they walked among the
stars like giants, vast and timeless. They taught the younger races,
explored beyond the rim, created great empires. But to all things
there is an end. Slowly, over a million years, the First Ones went
away. Some passed beyond the stars, never to return. Some simply
believe.wav(57K) Believers
- Delenn, "Who's belief is correct and how do we prove it?"
belmagic.wav (57K) The geometry of shadows
- Elric, "Captain, Do you believe there is such a thing as
belnluck.wav (144K) War Without End II
- Marcus, "But right now would be the worse time to be discovered
so it was logical it would happen now. Like I said I don't believe
in luck. (bang) On the other hand."
beright.wav (43K) Soul Mates
- Garibaldi, "Damn, I love being right."
besmwhr.wav (67K) Severed Dreams
- Delenn, "If you value your lives, be somewhere else!"
besterjk.wav (92K) Strange Relations
- Bester, "And the bar tender says to Renee Descartes, another beer?
And Descartes says, I think not and disappears."
bestrlog.wav (332K) Moments of Transition
- Bester, "Personal Log, Bester, Al, August 3, 2261. By provoking
Mr. Garibaldi, I put him even further at odds with his former
associates and further on the path I need him to follow. What I came
here to get, I got, even her. Guess you could call it a bank shot.
Yes, I've nice day."
bestseeu.wav (19K) The Face of the Enemy
- Bester, "See you Mr. Garibaldi."
beternow.wav (96K) The Summoning
- Drazi Ambassador, "We thought you were dead."
- Sheridan, "I was. I'm better now."
betrayrg.wav (83K) Day of the Dead
- Morden, "Would you like it any better, if I was to tell you
that you will betray the Anlashok."
- Lennier, "You are lying."
betrprsn.wav (111K) The Fall of Centauri Prime
- G'kar, "I would be dead, if not for you. You risked your
life to save mine."
- Londo, "Yes, you would have done the same."
- G'kar, "Yes, but I am a better person."
beyodrim.wav (352K) Into the Fire
- Shadow, "Will you come with us?"
- Lorien, "I have been here since the beginning. I will
not leave you now. I will go with you beyond the rim and we will
see again, all those who went ahead of us. All those who we have
missed for so long."
- Vorlon, "Then we will not be alone?"
- Lorien, "No, never alone."
bgdstrct.wav (53K) The Needs of Earth
- Gideon, "What that a big enough distraction?"
- Dureena, "It was very nice. Does that hurt?"
- Gideon, "Profoundly."
bggobady.wav (216K) Strange Relations
- Londo, "Because, I know. My people always know. I don't know why
or how, or where. I can feel it, to the very core of my being, Mr.
Allen. This is where is begins to badly for all of us."
bibport.wav (107K) A day in the Strife
- Ivanova, "If I live through this job, without losing
my mind. It will be a miracle of biblical portions"
- Corwin, "Well there goes my faith in the Almighty.
bigbucks.wav (148K) Conflicts of Interests
- Franklin, "Well, I wouldn't have thought of it, that's
for sure."
- Ivanova, "No, you're far to modus, Steven."
- Franklin, "No, no, no. That's why you get paid the
big bucks, after all."
- Ivanova, "Yep, that's my job. Well if you will excuse me,
I think there is shuttle with my name on it waiting for me. Just
feel free, look around. I'll be back."
bigddeny.wav (45K) Visitors from down the Street
- Matheson, "The more you make a big deal out of denying something,
the more people think it must be true."
bigdrink.wav (185K) Meditations on the Abyss
- Garibaldi, "(singing) Show me the way to go home. I tired and I
want to go to bed. I had a little ... ah it was a big drink. (laughs)
About an hour ago and it went right to my head. "
bigeyes.wav (396K) Rumors, Bargains and Lies
- Londo, "I don't know how they see out of them anyway.
Tiny, beady, squinty little things aren't they?"
- Drazi, "Ambassador."
- Londo, "No the Maker has not been kind to you. Must be
terrible trying to fly at night without running into entire
- Drazi, "Are you saying the Centauri do not know what
ships are patrolling their borders."
- Londo, "No, of course we know. The Maker has gifted us
with great big eyes, and great big scanners, and great big ah ...
well that is no concern of yours. Look is there someone else
you can go and harass? My life is so full of joy as it is."
bigrhead.wav (95K) Each Night I dream of Home
- Gideon, "Perhaps you will join me for dinner, once ... your up
and about."
- Lochley, "Will you be serving anything bigger than my head?"
- Gideon, "Not on the first date, Captain."
bigshldr.wav (284K) A View from the Gallery
- Mack, "My mother used to tell me. God knows the age of
every tree, and the color of every flower, and he knows just how wide
your shoulders are. And he never give you anything to carry, that
bigger than you can handle."
- Bo, "Then maybe that what this whole place is about. Maybe
that's what you have to do to get by in a place like this."
- Mack, "What's that?"
- Bo, "Grow bigger shoulders."
billsdie.wav (396K) In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum
- Delenn, "Listen to me. Aside from the Vorlons, we do not have the
First Ones to help us this time. We are on our own! We will have
only one chance to stop them, and if we fail, billions will die.
There comes a moment when each of us must pledge himself to
something greater than himself. You told G'kar he had to decide
between revenge and the good of his own people. Now you must make
the same decision, Captain. It will be the most important decision
of your life."
birthday.wav (97K) Eyes
- Mr. Grey, "I'm aware of your hostility to PsiCorp and the
reason for it. And I sympathize."
- Ivanova, "You do? How nice! I should send you a card on
your birthday!"
bl-night.wav (85K) Point of No Return
- Night Watch, "As of this moment, Babylon 5
belongs to the Night Watch."
blamtele.wav (87K) Day of the Dead
- Lochley, "And Mr. Garibaldi wants to blame the telepaths.
Of course, these days he is look for ground to blame them for
everything from sun spots to hair loss."
blckthem.wav (65K) A Tragedy of Telepaths
- Bester, "I'm blocking them. You can go back to work. It's safe."
bldbtnus.wav (199K) Grey 17 is Missing
- Neroon, "There is now blood between us and there is blood between
the warrior cast and the Humans. I do not think, they would die for
me, but they would die for you, Entil Zha."
bldothis.wav (39K) A Tragedy of Telepaths
- Londo, "I can't believe, I am doing this."
- G'kar, "Neither can I."
bldpyfht.wav (53K) Grey 17 is missing
- Neroon, "They build, you pray. We fight."
bledears.wav (64K) Convictions
- Londo, "I am afraid that if I try go back and figure it out,
then I will start bleeding from my ears.
blessed.wav (460K) Convictions
- Zack, "Ok so here's how this- what are you doing?"
- Drazi, "Droshala visitation means station blessed.
Everything here blessed. You also blessed. We touch to share your
- Zack, "Ah, Don't poke me, I don't like it. I don't want
to share my blessing okay... You see that plant over there? Now
that was in the garden when your people saw this Drabawa-"
- Drazi, "Droshala!"
- Zack, "Right. Anyway, it was real close, so it's gotta
be more blessed than me. So here. Why don't you go poke the plant
for a while, while I take care of your entry visas, okay?"
blestate.wav (197K) Patterns of the Soul
- Eilerson, "I just do what I am told. The cooperation knows all,
sees all, and tell very little. If we make a bad call, we can honest say
that we have acted in good consciences based on the information available.
Absolution in abscissa The blessed state of being able to say, it's not
my fault."
blink.wav (57K) And the Sky full of stars
- Sinclair, "I don't know, maybe the universe blinked may god
chanced his mind, all I know is that we got a second chance."
blowland.wav (156K) Into the Fire
- Morden, "So what are you going to do Mollari, blow up the
island? "
- Londo, "Actually, Now that you mention it."
- Morden, "NO!"
blucovr.wav (172K) Divided Loyalties
- Talia, "You blow my cover! You're dead! You hear
me your dead!"
- Sheridan, "Get her out of here. Put her under house
arrest now! "
- Talia, "The Corps is Mother! The Corps is Father!
Your dead Lyta Alexander. We'll find you, the corps will find you!"
blvnhevn.wav (33K) River of Souls
- Zack, "Ok, so I believe in heaven. You got a problem with that?"
bmonster.wav (195K) A Race Through Dark Places
- Bester, "Would it interest you to know that I'm married Mr.
Garibaldi. That I have a five year old daughter. That on Sundays
when I'm back home that we pack a picnic lunch and go out under
the dome on Sierra Planium and watch the stars come out. Hardly
a description of a monster."
bnftempr.wav (248K) Objects at Rest
- Londo, "Another of the benifits of being Emperior, President in
your case. It's not so much the people who are pleased to see you
in office, people who are furious that you are even alive, no less
holding a position of power. Knowing that everyday, you successed,
they die a little more inside. It makes the endeavor imenitly more
bnurwntm.wav (65K) Appearances and Other Deceits
- Matheson, "I'm not sure, that I will be able to breath in that
- Gideon, "breath on your own time."
bodshell.wav (110K) Comes The Inquisitor
- Delenn, "This body is only a shell. You cannot touch me. You
cannot harm me. I'm not afraid."
bofhim1.wav (36K) Rising Star
- Ivanova, "At least I should have boffed him just once."
bokgquan.wav (244K) Ship of Tears
- G'kar, "(reading from the Book of G'Quan) And the spirit
of darkness moved upon the land. It screamed in the dreams of the
mind walkers and they fell, destroyed by it, to children, and their
children's children. Then did the darkness come to Narn, until
it was driven out by G'Quan and the last of the surviving mind
boogee.wav (197K) Voices of Authority
- Ivanova, "I am not letting them leave without saying yes."
- Marcus, "Really? How do you propose stopping them?
Perhaps a big red and white sign with the word stop on it? I'll put
a bucket on my head and pretend to be the ancient Vorlon god
- Ivanova, "That's it!"
- Marcus, "Fine I'll get a bucket!"
- Ivanova, "No, I meant the Vorlons. Open a comm channel,
boom.wav (190K) Grail
- Ivanova, " No boom today, boom tomorrow, there is always a
boom tomorrow. What?! Look somebody got to have some damn
perspective around here. Boom. Sooner or later BOOM!"
boom2.wav (7K) Z'ha'dum
- G'kar, "Boom"
boombom1.wav (156K) A Voice in the Wilderness I
- Ivanova, "Ambassador, Do you really want to know what is going on
down there right now?"
- Londo, "Yes. Absolutely."
- Ivanova, "Boom Boom-Boom-Boom Boom-Boom BOOM! Have a nice day."
boombom2.wav (44K) A Voice in the Wilderness I
- Ivanova, "Boom Boom-Boom-Boom Boom-Boom BOOM!"
bothdamd.wav (212K) The Coming of Shadows
- Lord Refa, "Mollari. What did he say, really?"
- Londo, "He said ... that we are both damned."
- Lord Refa, "Well, it's a small enough price to pay for
bothers.wav (84K) The Geometry of Shadows
- Elric, "You don't frighten easily."
- Vir, "I work for Ambassador Mollari. After a while, nothing
bothers you."
bozobeam.wav (63K) Thirdspace
- Zack, "Maybe there is just a lot of full moons out there, somewhere,
lined up, beaming bozo rays into everybody's brains."
brckatck.wav (32K) Shadow Dancing
- Sheridan, "Everyone else, break and attack!"
brdedger.wav (472K) Objects at Rest
- Garibaldi, "Now all of you have been stuck in the mid-level
position, in the same department, because you have an attitude
problem. If you don't like something; you complain, you talk back,
you think you can do everything better than you bosses."
- Unnamed, "So we fired is that it?"
- Garibaldi, "Actually, more like promoted. I have decided
that all of you are now on the board of directors of edgers
industries. Your job is tell me, where we have screwed up, so we
can fix it, make it better. The position entitles you to a one
hundred percent salary increase affective immediately, plus benefits.
One part of your job is to tell me, if I've screwed up, to stand
your ground. Now if your right, you get a bonus. If you wrong, I
will eat you for lunch. Does anyone have a problem with that?"
brdfrnds.wav (194K) Sleeping in Light
- Ivanova, "I've buried so many friends, Delenn. I'm being to resent
it and I don't want to. Seems like some days, there is no one left
to play with. There is no joy anymore."
brdupwdw.wav (76K) The Fall of Centauri Prime
- Londo, "How am I supposed to live in the royal suite and
look out at all of that?"
- Vir, "You could always board up the windows."
breakyou.wav (1,020K) Intersections in Real Time
- Interrogator, "Do you know why they're doing this to you? Because
your a war hero, one of the few to come out of the Minbari war. They
have invested a considerable amount of time and effort making you a
hero in the public's eye. The problem is, when a war hero starts
believing certain things, and saying certain things, the public
listens. They think there's something to it. Your credibility has
become a threat to their credibility, so one of them has to go.
The best way out for everyone is for you to confess and lay the blame
on the alien governments, whether it is true or not. It doesn't
matter, truth is immaterial, they can sell it. Note, it I said it
was the best way, I did not say it was the only way.
- The other way, captain is a posthumous confession. Your signature
is no problem; they have your image on file; they can create you
reading the confession. Now, that's not as good as having you out
there where people can see you. So they know it's true. That even
you can be broken. You can not resist. With a video record there
will always be doubt. It's not the same as breaking you, but I'm
told as of this morning, ... it's an acceptable option."
breathin.wav (296K) Babylon Squared
- Sinclair, "The time I learned to really appreciate mornings during
the three years, I spent being taught by Jesuits. We used to get
up at five O'clock every morning for sunrise mass, then an hour of
meditation before class. We would sit ... quiet ... at peace ...
breathing in ... breathing out ... breathing in ... breathing out."
brkchain.wav (62K) The Long Night
- Emperor Cartagia, "You can't break those chains, they are made of
solid curilium. (a link snaps)"
brkproms.wav (48K) Grey 17 is Missing
- Lennier, "I'm trying to avoid breaking a promise, by breaking
a promise."
brksycod.wav (151K) The Deconstruction of Falling Stars
- Garibaldi, "And I happen to have a knack for breaking system codes.
So while you were downloading your new world order into me, I was
watching your system work. I know where comes in and I know where
it goes out and I just sent out our entire conversation.
Broadcast the whole down thing."
brnbstd.wav (184K) Walkabout
- Lyta, "They killed him (referring to Kosh). They tore him apart.
Burn you bastards."
brnmbari.wav (48K) War Without End II
- Marcus, "Dear god, a Minbari not born of Minbari."
broken.wav (476K) Severed Dreams
- Delenn, "The council has lost it's way. If it will not lead. If we have
abandoned our covenant with Valen, then the council shall be broken, as was
prophesied! We must stand with the others now, before it is to late!
Between the worker caste and the religious caste, we control two thirds
of our forces. To you, I say, listen to the voice of your conscience. Break
the council and come with me. Our time of isolation is over. We move now,
together, or not at all!"
brokribs.wav (89K) Grey 17 is missing
- Neroon, "I just broken two of your ribs. (hits Marcus again)
Sorry, make that three."
brthacpt.wav (26K) In the Beginning
- Morann, "I'm breathless with anticipation."
brushart.wav (60K) Deathwalker
- Kosh, "A stroke from the bush does not guarantee art from the
brw4mint.wav (57K) Meditations on the Abyss
- Londo, "Something I can do for you Vir?"
- Vir, "No, I just need to borrow this for a minute. I be
right back."
bseeingu.wav (22K) Mind War
- Bester, "Be seeing you, commander."
bstitrst.wav (63K) Visitors from down the Street
- Kendarr, "The truth has never been anyone's best interest."
bstrhelo.wav (25K) The Face of the Enemy
- Bester, "hello Mr. Garibaldi"
bstrstry.wav (196K) The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father
- Bester, "My parents were killed in an accident. I was barely a
month old. When I put into a foster home, I turned up in the random
DNA checks. The Corps took me in, raised me, and taught me, that
because we are special, we need to watch for each other. Even more
then we would as mundanes."
btheycan.wav (348K) And Now for a Word
- ISN Reporter, "Why do you think they invaded back then?"
- G'kar, "Why does any advanced civilization seek to destroy
a less advanced one? Because the land is statically valuable,
because there are resources that can be cultivated and exploited,
but most of all, simply because they can. You have experience,
much the same on your own world. There are humans, for whom
the words never again, carry special meaning, as they do for us."
btindrk.wav (160K) There All The Honor Lies
- Ivanova, "Another lesson?"
- Sheridan, "yea"
- Ivanova, "What this time?"
- Sheridan, "Beauty in the dark."
- Ivanova, "Must be working. You are beginning to talk
just like a Vorlon."
bugger.wav (43K) Ceremonies of Light & Dark
- Marcus, "Bugger! Now, I have to wait for someone to wake up."
buildb5.wav (380K) And Now for a Word
- Delenn, "Of course it is. For the simple reason that no one else
would ever build a place like this. Humans share one unique quality,
they build communities. If the Narns or the Centauri or any other
race build a station like this, it would be used only by their own
people. But everywhere Humans go, they create communities out of
diverse and sometimes hostile populations. It is a great gift and
a terrible responsibility. One that can not be abandoned."
bureau13.wav (456K) A Spider in the Web
- Agent 13, "13"
- control, "Report from Babylon 5 control mission, only
partly successful. Asogy terminated, but unit was destroyed before
he could leave station for Mars."
- Agent 13, "Is the Bureau at hazard?"
- control, "Control does not believe so."
- Agent 13, "Belief is not an enough. He is to follow
up until he is certain. 13 out."
burocra.wav (29K) The Geometry of Shadows
- Ivanova, "Yeah, bureaucracy, tell me about."
business.wav (24K) Deathwalker
- Kosh, "Business"
busnsthn.wav (220K) Movements of Fire and Shadow
- Delenn, "If it's about my wearing those little ..."
- Sheridan, "no."
- Delenn, "I appreciate the gift. And I didn't say I won't
wear them, it's just that ... for me, from a Minbari prospective
I though it looked silly."
- Sheridan, "no ... It doesn't have anything to do with that."
- Delenn, "(sigh) Business then."
butchsun.wav (86K) War Without End I
- Sinclair, "I think we would work well together, like Butch
and Sundance, Louis and Clark, Lucy and Ethel."
buttbutt.wav (156K) Divided Loyalties
- Delenn, "Butt...butt. I butt, you butt,
he or she butts..."
- Sheridan, "No, it's a..."
- Delenn, "Butt, butt, butt, butt."
- Sheridan, "You sound like a motor boat!"
- Delenn, "Motor butt?!"
butwhat.wav (172K) Divided Loyalties
- Sheridan, "Why is it every time you finally get things
calm down and everything is going great life decides to kick in
the butt?"
- Delenn, "But what?"
- Sheridan, "What?"
bwellfrd.wav (82K) The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari
- Delenn, "Be well, my good and dear friend."
- Lennier, "And you."
bydthrim.wav (108K) Sleeping in Light
- Sheridan, "Lorien. "
- Lorien, "Did you think we had forgotten you? We have been
waiting for you."
- Sheridan, "beyond the rim."
- Lorien, "Yes."
byronend.wav (232K) Phoenix Rising
- Byron, "(sings) And we will all come together in better
place. Ah better place than this. (warms up a ppg)"
- Sheridan, "Clear out! Move! Go, go, go! Get out of here.
Everybody out. "
- ppg shot and Explosion.