Blooper Sound files
action.wav (165K) Blooper
- Director, "Quiet please... background... action!"
- Londo, "The... was that kind of high, that action? Action!
I'm sorry! Whew! Hang on. Who's... who's the one acting here? OK,
here we go, ready?"
actor.wav (58K) Blooper
- ISN Reporter, "We now go live to Actor. Actor? I am not
an actor."
airforce.wav (65K) Blooper
- Garibaldi, "Mr. President, I thought you should know. You
and I flew F-16's last Friday at Edwards Airforce Base and pulled
airplane.wav (53K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "If he's going to risk... ah, I hear an airplane."
- Ivanova, "Ah, lucky bastard!"
aldira.wav (316K) Blooper
- Vir, "Ambassador? Londo?"
- Londo, "Yes, Vir, what is it?"
- Vir, "Let me start again. Ambassador?"
- Director, "Cut!"
- Vir, "What?! Londo?"
- Londo, "Yes, Vir, what is it?"
- Vir, "You asked me to remind you about Aldira's suite.
- Londo, "Yes?"
- Vir, "Her name's not Aldira, right?"
- Director, "There's no L. Adira."
- Vir, "Adira. Let me do it again. Londo?"
- Director, "Cut!"
- Vir, "What?!"
b51.wav (167K) Blooper
- From Voices of Authority
- Draal, "On my first day here, I was annoyed to find a bug
crawling on my nose. I almost blew out Babylon 51. (laughs)"
- Ivanova, "Oh we are going to go on! The series is going to
baconegg.wav (108K) Blooper
- From Messages from Earth
- Garibaldi, "Bacon and eggs, definitely."
- Ivanova, "You're supposed to lift the lid off now so I can
say it's from Marcus."
- Director, "Cut."
- Garibaldi, "You're supposed to lift it..."
- Ivanova, "No."
beacon.wav (39K) Blooper
- Keffer, "Attach homing beacon and... and... and.. and do
something else."
bk2camra.wav (38K) Blooper
- Ivanova, "My back's to camera. I can fuck up all I want."
bodyguar.wav (129K) Blooper
- Londo, "He is my bodyguard. (G'Kar puts on sunglasses) He
cleaned out the liquor cabinet in first class. And he still has a
couple of peanuts right here. There we go. See you in my room.""
bomb.wav (148K) Blooper
- From Convictions
- Sheridan, "Where's the bomb?"
- Bomber, "Oh, somewhere where you'll... shit. Oh,
somewhere where you'll never... oh, somewhere where you'll..."
- Sheridan, "Where's the bomb?"
- Bomber, "Oh, somewhere where you'll... (Explosion)"
btmnia.wav (70K) Blooper
- Delenn, "So, tell me of home, Lennier. I have been away
far too long."
- Lennier, "Beatlemania is back."
bull.wav (135K) Blooper
- Sinclair, "Believe whatever you like. The fact is, the
investigation is over."
- Member of League, "Why's it over?! Deceit! Lies!
Incompetence! This is bullshit!"
calloff.wav (157K) Blooper
- Garibaldi, "Someone's trying to frame me for the explosion
in the Cobra bay. They planted a schematic of the bay and a pouch
of Centauri ducats in my quarters."
- Londo, "Cen-tar-ri?"
- Garibaldi, "Cen-tau-ri."
- Londo, "Po-tay-to?"
- Garibaldi, "Po-tah-to."
- Londo, "To-may-to?"
- Garibaldi, "To-mah-to."
- Londo, "(and Garibaldi) Let's call the whole thing off!"
cantjump.wav (190K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "Are you sure we can't jump?"
- Lennier, "Positive."
- Sheridan, "Then we have a problem."
- Lennier, "No shit, sherlock."
- Sheridan, "Run for it! (people run)"
- Director, "No, you're... you're supposed to run. You're
supposed to run! Run!"
capivan.wav (131K) Blooper
- ISN Reporter, "A promotion ratified today by
military authorities Earthside. Captain I-van-ova has... I'm sorry.
Captain John Sheridan promoted Susan Ivan-ova... why do I want to..."
- Director, "And cut."
- ISN Reporter, "Sorry."
carvbone.wav (131K) Blooper
- Minbari, "Because we are the same, you may ask your
questions. If you can tolerate the answers."
- Lennier, "Who... who carved your bone? It's a
fabulous design!"
- Minbari, "Same, guy, same guy. It's just this new thing
he's doing."
clark.wav (36K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "The Clarkstown burn ... (mostly gibberish)"
clstuff.wav (59K) Blooper
- Garibaldi, "This is pretty cool stuff, huh? Watch the show:
Wednesday nights, 8.00pm, Channel 17."
commsher.wav (46K) Blooper
- From In the Beginning
- Leftcourt, "Commander Franklin? Commander Sheridan."
- Sheridan, "Thank you."
confuse.wav (43K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "And we will not... What will we will not?"
creep.wav (76K) Blooper
- From Convictions
- Garibaldi, "Alright, pick that creep up and throw him in
the brig. Be careful! Check out the area and... (gibberish)"
- Sheridan, "(gibberish)"
cwedits.wav (48K) Blooper
- Franklin, "O.K, 30 cwedits. Cwedits?"
- Garibaldi, "Cwedits? Wow, ya screwy wabbit!"
datacrst.wav (224K) Blooper
- From Hunter, Prey
- Max, "What's this? A fake pocket? You've been holding out
on me! (pause) Boy, I bet there was supposed to be a data crystal in
this really small pocket down here, wasn't there?"
dcktfckt.wav (109K) Blooper
- Londo, "500 Centauri ducats. That will buy you everything
you need."
- Garibaldi, "You're being awfully generous..."
- Londo, "Can I go back and say ducats again? Fucket!"
ddnthnk.wav (78K) Blooper
- Franklin, "But if she's sick... I'm surprised you didn't
call in one of your own doctors."
- Lennier, "I didn't think of that. Great idea! You're
dntrmbr.wav (13K) Blooper
- Keffer, "I don't remember the line."
donation.wav (119K) Blooper
- Lyta, "Consider this a charitable donation. Hell, it might
even be tax deductible."
- Vir, "Tax deductible?"
- Lyta, "Shit. Think of this as a charitable... something.
I'm not going to do this anymore."
dropping.wav (76K) Blooper
- Lyta, "The people I want to work for won't hire me. The only
people that might hire me... are dropping shit everywhere!"
drugie.wav (33K) Blooper
- From Between the Darkness & the Light?
- Franklin, "Oh, Captain!"
- Garibaldi, "Drugie, drugie, drugie!"
elnino.wav (57K) Blooper
- Londo, "I don't like the look of this at all."
- G'kar, "Ah, it's the damn El Nino."
elvis.wav (19K) Blooper
- Garibaldi, "Do it like Elvis."
- Ivanova, "Thank you very much."
fatening.wav (171K) Blooper
- From The Coming of Shadows
- Sheridan, "Ooh, have some of that! That good fattening
- Ivanova, "Hey, shut up!"
- Sheridan, "Yeah, that's good."
- Ivanova, "I don't need any comments from the peanut gallery
- Sheridan, "You looked at your butt lately? Ooh, some
quiche; can't even spell it. And try that human ear; it's from a
tree called Vangoghs. Very fattening. And there's some good rice to
loosen the bowels ..."
- Ivanova, "Shut up!"
fkupcomp.wav (85K) Blooper
- All the profanities as they appeared on the gag reel.
fuck.wav (9K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "Ah, fuck it."
fuck2.wav (12K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "Ah, fuck."
fuck3.wav (14K) Blooper
- Franklin, "Fuck."
furgtve.wav (57K) Blooper
- From Hunter, Prey
- Garibaldi, "We just got a coded message from Earthforce
Intellegence, ultra-violet priority, they posted a system wide
furgitive... furgitive?"
gabaro.wav (52K) Blooper
- Vir, "Ambassador Mollari wanted me to stop in and see about
Mr. Gabaro... Gabarrr."
gasup.wav (32K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "That motherfucker's... it's, er... gassing up to shoot!"
gethim.wav (59K) Blooper
- From Divided Loyalities
- Sheridan, "It's him!! It's him!! Get him! Get him!"
getup.wav (56K) Blooper
- Minbari Warrior, "Get up!"
- Lennier, "No."
- Minbari Warrior, "Sorry."
gnrlsher.wav (178K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "Sir! Captain John Sheridan, commander of Babylon 5.
Welcome aboard, sir."
- General Franklin, "General Richard Sheridan."
- Sheridan, "No..."
- General Franklin, "Fuck! Richard Franklin! Sorry."
- Sheridan, "Sir! Captain John ... Shit. Now I'm the one!"
goddamn.wav (8K) Blooper
- Corwin, "Goddamn it!"
godimoff.wav (31K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "God I'm way off! I couldn't be more off the fucking
goqucknw.wav (220K) Blooper
- Byron, "Is it go quickly *now* or go *quickly* now?"
- Director, "Uh... go quickly *now*."
- Byron, "(laughs) Wait."
- Director, "Go *quickly* now."
- Byron, "OK."
- Director, "Or how about, go quickly."
- Byron, "How about *go*... *quickly*... *now*."
- Director, "Go quickly... *now*."
- Byron, "(laughs) Alright."
- Girl, "Still rolling."
- Director, "Still rolling."
- Byron, "Oh, I didn't hear that you were rolling."
- Director, "OK, here we go, ready?"
- Byron, "Sorry."
- Director, "And cut!"
grudges.wav (67K) Blooper
- From Strange Relations
- Sheridan, "Speaking of personal grudges, you
seen or heard anything of Garibaldi since Bester come
on (gibberish)?"
- Lochley, "No."
gtfcked.wav (65K) Blooper
- Rameirez, "I'm gonna have a great dinner on your 30
credits, Doc."
- Franklin, "Dream On!"
- Garibaldi, "Hit the road! Get Fucked!"
hadidea.wav (158K) Blooper
- From Point of No Return
- G'kar, "I have had... an idea... an idea!"
- Director, "Cut. OK."
- Ivanova, "And that idea is...?"
hague.wav (252K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "Where is General Hague?"
- Major Ryan, "General Hague is doing Deep Space Nine. It
seems he was double booked by his agent and there is nothing to be
hellodoc.wav (23K) Blooper
- From A Race Through Dark Places
- Franklin, "Hello, Doctor. Doctor?"
helltime.wav (48K) Blooper
- Ivanova, "Ah, that's a hell of a time to think of... Ah,
this is a hell of a time to think of that!"
hesnovir.wav (588K) Blooper
- Londo, "And so you see, I knew that it would work out. As long as
I am here... as long as I am here, nothing can happen to Babylon 5. Whoops,
- Guy, "Thrilling, one more!"
- Londo, "Because, I have a destiny. Yes? (laughing)"
- Guy, "Peter, more!"
- Londo, "Yes! (laughs) Nice shark, pretty shark! Oh, you have grown
back your teeth, huh? Take a couple of those... He's good, isn't he? He's
no Vir, but he's working on it."
hitme.wav (65K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "That's why I'm putting you in charge to over
seige... over... hit me again. (POW!)"
hitthem.wav (85K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "My guess is that when enough of these ships are
gathered at one place, they will hit them. (laughs) And hit them
holdme.wav (89K) Blooper
- Garibaldi, "Ah, I've been where he is. I just, uh... fucked
the scene up at the end here, and I don't know why. Hold me?"
- Zack, "OK."
however.wav (44K) Blooper
- Franklin, "However ... However what?"
hugeplan.wav (101K) Blooper
- Lyta, "There's a part of you that goes cold... empty... and
after that (huge plane goes overhead) there's huge planes that go
overhead and really fuck you up!"
hunch.wav (64K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "Better lay on extra security. I have a hunch ..."
- Garibaldi, "What is it?"
- Sheridan, "I don't know."
hyperion.wav (72K) Blooper
- Sinclair, "Where's the Hyperion?"
- Ivanova, "On the other side. The enemy sheeps keeping them
between us... "
- Sinclair, "Well to hell with them!"
ifspeak.wav (90K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "Now, I uh..."
- Ivanova, "Before you do that, there's something else you sh-should
know. (laughs) If I could speak, I could do it."
isogi.wav (107K) Blooper
- From Spider in the Web
- Sheridan, "To make sure that Taro Isugi's..."
- Ivanova, "(laughs) No, no keep going."
- Sheridan, "To make sure Taro Ishogi... I can't say his name!"
- General laughter
ivanovna.wav (33K) Blooper
- From Intersections in Real Time
- Interrogator, "Now, I was asking you about Commander Ivanovna."
jkmorden.wav (256K) Blooper
- Londo, "Jackie Mason's brother, Jackie Morden. (as Jackie
Morden) So I went to see Ambassador Londo. First he wants the Shadows,
then he doesn't want the Shadows. First he's in war, then he's not in
the war. I mean, what's with this guy? I don't know what I'm supposed
to do. I don't know who he is. Do you understand the Centauri? I
don't understand the Centauri. I mean, give me a break. I'm just
Morden. (as himself) That's it. New character. Possible idea."
joe.wav (582K) Blooper
- Sheridan doing his Billy Bob Thorton impersonation.
- Sheridan, "I'm kinda partial to them french
fried potaters. (music)"
- Sheridan, "Biscuits... biscuits... biscuits with mustard
on 'em. (music)"
- Sheridan, "I use a sling blade. I likes to use a sling blade,
some people likes to call it a Kaiser blade, I call it a sling blade.
Or is it the other way around. Yeah, that's what it is. (music)"
- Sheridan, "I like that Joe Straczynski feller. (laughter)"
- Sheridan, "He's got a big heart."
kerfung.wav (65K) Blooper
- Sinclair, "Interesting. I've heard it was the religious caste who
issued the religious ... kerfungabooboo."
laughing.wav (116K) Blooper
- Garibaldi, "What you are, is what you are. You can't change
that by taking a few pills. ... Why're you laughing?"
- Talia, "(laughing)"
lifesupp.wav (59K) Blooper
- From Thirdspace
- Sheridan, "Alright, direct all power to the life support, the
rotational systems, and we'll do this scene again."
linerite.wav (47K) Blooper
- Lochley, "I just can't say that line right. I can say the
other three hundred and sixty million right, but not that one."
longtime.wav (50K) Blooper
- Bester, "For a long time now, I've heard airplanes in my head."
loosenup.wav (134K) Blooper
- Londo, "Come on, Commander. Loosen up! You're supposed to
enjoy yourself!"
- Sinclair, "I am."
- Londo, "Good!"
mandate.wav (107K) Blooper
- Londo, "They won't get involved in military campaigns, border
- Plane flies by.
- Sheridan, "No, that's not their mandate. ... But that's their
plane. (laughs) Shit."
medlav.wav (48K) Blooper
- Lochley, "Get on over to medlav. Am I Spanish now? Medlav?"
meshadow.wav (316K) Blooper
- Londo is holding a lifesize stand up londo.
- Londo, "Well hi. Welcome to the Londo Londo show. Happy
Thanksgiving to you and yours. And here's a little something,
years together in Vaudville."
- sings, "Me and my shadow... strolling down the avenue. Not me but
you. Me and my shadow... not a soul to tell our troubles to."
- "That should be enough."
minibar.wav (89K) Blooper
- From Voices of Authority
- Julie Musanta, "You have some very impressive object here,
Captain. Uh, Earthforce Silver Star for Valor in the Minibar War."
- Sheridan, "The Minibar War?"
monica.wav (46K) Blooper
- Garibaldi, "Mr. President, as you requested: Monica Lewinsky,
Paula Jones, Jennifer Flowers."
mornings.wav (368K) Blooper
- Sinclair, "The time I learned to really appreciate mornings was
during the three years I spent being taught by Jesuits. We used
to... get up at five... The time I learned to really appreciate
mornings was during the three years I spent being taught by Jesuits.
We used to get up at five o'clock every morning... for midnight...
The time I learned to really appreciate... One second... the
time I learned to really appreciate mornings was during the three
years I spent being taught by Jesuits. We used to get up at five
o'clock every morning for..."
much.wav (144K) Blooper
- Ivanova, "So, is there a problem?"
- Garibaldi, "No, I ..."
- Ivanova, "Much. (laughter)"
- Garibaldi, "What?"
- Ivanova, "I thought you were going to say more."
- Garibaldi, "I was, but you cut me off. I thought it was a
natural cut off."
- Ivanova, "I know, it was horrible."
- Garibaldi, "It worked."
myplane.wav (70K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "We'll need that advantage, it's all we've got.
(plane flies by) That's my plane coming in right now."
nexttou.wav (64K) Blooper
- From Paragon of Animals
- Lyta, "You see, you feel the person next to you... and well,
something like that."
nnarns.wav (122K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "So even though you don't technically speak for your
government back home, you do speak for the Narns... I want to start again."
- Director, "That's alright, go again, no problem."
- Ivanova, "Nnnarns... you always have such a thing..."
- Sheridan, "Nnnarns."
- Ivanova, "...With the Nnnarns."
notclose.wav (75K) Blooper
- Garibaldi, "But if that's true, then whoever tried to kill her
probably doesn't even remember trying to do it. And that wasn't even
close to the line, so we'll do it again. One more time. O.K."
nothing.wav (128K) Blooper
- G'kar, "Nothing."
- Londo, "... Somthing! (laughter)"
- G'kar, "Nothing!"
- Londo, "Something!"
notreal.wav (110K) Blooper
- From The Illusion of Truth
- ISN Reporter, "The conditions inside Babylon 5 are another matter
all together."
- Lennier, "(sings) Nothing is real..."
- ISN Reporter, "But that's not the full extent of it."
- Lennier, "(sings) And nothing to get hung about."
onown.wav (138K) Blooper
- From The Paragon of Animals
- Byron, "What will satisfy your anger, will never come from me, or
anyone else here. I'm afraid you must... do it on your own."
paindeck.wav (155K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "There are days when they are a pain in the deck, no...
There are days when they are a pain in the deck... why am I gonna have this
trouble? They are a pain in the deck. Fuck it."
planet.wav (68K) Blooper
- From Acts of Sacrifice
- Taq, "I do not understand. Oh, I do not remember the line. I do
not know what planet I'm on."
plurals.wav (187K) Blooper
- From Point of No Return
- Londo, "This way, please."
- Vir, "Why does she speak in plurals?"
- Londo, "When the Emperor dies, the royal consul... it's, it is
presumed... um, I'll tell you all about it later, she's going to call me
any minute."
- Lady Morella, "Ambassador!"
- Londo, "Coming, Lady!"
porkchop.wav (65K) Blooper
- From The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari
- Londo, "AWGH!"
- Vir, "Don't die!"
- Londo, "Porkchops!"
prblmnln.wav (78K) Blooper
- Ivanova, "Technically, we're ready to go."
- Franklin, "But...?"
- Ivanova, "Well, there's just one little problem. ... I don't
know my line."
pregnant.wav (94K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "What... what are you talking about? What is
wrong with her?"
- Franklin, "She's pregnant. ... And you did it."
proctol.wav (20K) Blooper
- Sinclair, "Proctologist for the commander, please."
prof-bad.wav (80K) Blooper
- Vir, "If I return without a yes, the consequences will be
profoundly ... bad."
profound.wav (69K) Blooper
- Marcus, "The Minbari say ... something really profound."
puddytat.wav (61K) Blooper
- Londo, "I tawt I taw a puddy tat. I did, I did see a puddy tat.
rameirez.wav (74K) Blooper
- Rameirez, "Rameirez, go."
- Computer, "Lt. Rameirez, you're going to die at the end of
this episode. You need to pick up your check now."
- Rameirez, "Yeah, I'll be right there."
rangers.wav (121K) Blooper
- Delenn, "I ordered several Ranger ships to the areas where some
of these attacks have taken place, to see if they could get more
information. Put it, please. I fucked it up."
rumrivan.wav (624K) Blooper
- From A View from the Gallery
- Mack, "You shouldn't listen to rumors, Bo. This place is full of
them. Like when I-van-ova left? Alright? Is that... was that...?"
- Woman, "Ivanova."
- Mack, "Ivanova! Ivanova... Ivanova... You shouldn't listen to
rumors, Bo. This place is full of them. Like when I-van-ova left?
Ivanova? Ivanova... like when Ivanova... can I just take my own cue? OK."
- Woman, "Here we go."
- Mack, "Ivanova. OK. You shouldn't listen to rumors, Bo. This
place is full of them. (laughs) Ivanova? You shouldn't listen to rumors,
Bo. I mean, this place is full of them. Like when I-van-ova left?
Alright? Shit. What is it? Ivanova. OK.
- Director, "Ivanova."
- Mack, "Ivanova. OK. Ivanova. Ivanova. You shouldn't listen to
rumors, Bo. This place is full of them. Like when..."
sandwich.wav (157K) Blooper
- Garibaldi, "He was my friend."
- Wade, "And he's misguided."
- Garibaldi, "I won't sell him out!"
- Wade, "... OK."
- Garibaldi, "Well then, we're done."
- Wade, "Got a sandwich on you?"
- Garibaldi, "(laughs)"
- Director, "Cut!"
satan.wav (30K) Blooper
- Lennier, "We're having a little trouble with Satan, but we'll be
right back."
scott.wav (284K) Blooper
- Garibaldi, "Anything special I should know about them?"
- Scott, "They're planning to take over the galaxy."
- Garibaldi, "Yeah, that's great, look, but could you autograph
this for me please, before you go?"
- Lyta, "Yeah Scott, please, can I have your autograph?"
- A lot of other people join in to ask for his autograph.
shit.wav (17K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "Ah, shit."
shit2.wav (13K) Blooper
- Franklin, "Er... ah, shit!"
shit3.wav (11K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "Ah, shit!"
shit4.wav (8K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "Shit!"
shotgun.wav (43K) Blooper
- From The Quality of Mercy
- Karl Mueller, "(laughing) Sorry, sorry, you have to stop. Cause
I shot the gun."
shutup.wav (86K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "Marcus! We're jumping. Get ready ... (laughs) Shut
up, I didn't say that."
signaloh.wav (81K) Blooper
- Delenn, "The signal!"
- Sheridan, "I heard, tell the others to..."
- Minbari, "ooh!"
- Sheridan, "...follow us in. (laughing) Did you hear..."
sinclair.wav (316K) Blooper
- From Soul Mates
- Londo, "Gahhh!"
- Sheridan, "Medlab, this is Sinclair!"
- laughter and a great deal of embarrasment for Bruce
- Sheridan, "What was I thinking?! Hit me!! That's the
Christmas reel!"
sleep.wav (109K) Blooper
- Vir, "How was your sleep?"
- Londo, "Good. How did you?"
- Vir, "Good."
- Londo, "You have a little crust here, let me get it for you..."
- Vir, "Thank you."
- Londo, "Alright."
- Vir, "Oh, you do ... (message beep)"
- Londo, "What? What is it?"
sleptmaj.wav (70K) Blooper
- Sinclair, "So, you know this Major Kemmer?"
- Garibaldi, "Oh, yeah. I slept with her."
slover.wav (39K) Blooper
- Ivanova, "You're talking about the cold blooded slover of almost
... slover?"
sm1jumpd.wav (56K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "Delenn, we're ready to jump. (unidentified noise)
Tell the rest of the... what the hell? Somebody jumped."
smoking.wav (60K) Blooper
- From Dust to Dust
- (Lots of smoke)
- Director, "Now let it disipate a bit..."
- Londo, "Are you smoking more and enjoying it less?"
snore.wav (123K) Blooper
- From A Race Through Dark Places
- Sheridan, "(snores) Susan ... Susan ... (laughs)"
somethng.wav (64K) Blooper
- Londo, "Thank you for the sensitivity, Captain. I do not lie
when I say, this could have been a major ... something."
sorry.wav (103K) Blooper
- Garibaldi, "I don't think I ever really stopped."
- Lise, "I'm sorry too."
- Garibaldi, "About the plane?"
spacehpy.wav (248K) Blooper
- From Spider in the Web
- Garibaldi, "Captain, begging your pardon, but have you gone space
happy? That woman is the..."
- Director, "Action."
- Garibaldi, "Captain, have you gone space happy?"
- Sheridan, "Just think of getting a chubby and..."
- Garibaldi, "(laughs) Thanks. Here we go, no I'm ready. Go."
- Director, "Action."
- Garibaldi, "Captain, begging your pardon, but have you gone
space happy? (laughs)"
starwars.wav (49K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "(sings) Star Wars..."
- laughter
stepin.wav (62K) Blooper
- Lochley, "Am I stepping in from this direction? Or that
direction? This way. I knew that."
steps.wav (150K) Blooper
- From War Without End
- High pitched noise, Sound of time-stabilizer rolling away
- Sheridan, "It rolled right to the steps. Right to the... (laughs)"
stmulatd.wav (169K) Blooper
- Garibaldi, "Yours?"
- G'Kar, "No, your mother's!"
- Garibaldi, "No, my mother is more like this."
- G'Kar, "Get out!"
- Garibaldi, "I don't think it's time for me to go. I'm
suddenly feeling stimulated."
stupid.wav (123K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "And the man they shot?"
- Garibaldi, "No idea. He was there to meet with a client of mine.
Now, you can assume that I'm... completely fucking stupid... or..."
thescene.wav (145K) Blooper
- From Racing Mars
- Sheridan, "But you're damaging the cause, and you're hurting this
station. Now, it wouldn't be so bad if I at least understood... the scene.
(laughs) OK."
this.wav (41K) Blooper
- From Survivors
- Kemmer, "Hard evidence that Garibaldi is part of this... this."
thisthat.wav (68K) Blooper
- Vir, "So this is what this is about? So this is what that is
about? What is it?"
thtslyta.wav (126K) Blooper
- Garibaldi, "Hey wait a second. Hold up. I know her. It's,
it's Lyta."
- Franklin, "Who?"
- Garibaldi, "Lyta!"
- Franklin, "Who ... who be Lyta?"
- Garibaldi, "THE BITCH!"
uglier.wav (74K) Blooper
- From Acts of Sacrifice
- Garibaldi, "Could this situation possibly get any uglier?"
- Sheridan, "Mmm."
- Garibaldi, "Well answer me."
- Sheridan, "(laughs) I don't know."
ulkesh.wav (163K) Blooper
- From Walkabout
- Sheridan, "I'm Captain John Sheridan, this is my second,
Commander Susan I ... (laughs) I'm Commander..."
- laughter
- Sheridan, "I have not had a drink, I swear to God!"
undrwear.wav (58K) Blooper
- Garibaldi, "Everybody out! Go! Don't die! Nice underwear!"
valesh12.wav (284K) Blooper
- Ivanova, "My god, whoever's piloting that shuttle's a
- Londo, "Ahh, just like Valesh 12. There is no connection
to the 405 here. We'll have to take the Long Beach. We'll take the
Long Beach, is that alright? First the Long Beach, then the 405.
Alright, I know where we're going now. There'll be a bathroom stop
in about 10 minutes."
- Draal, "I hope so."
vallen.wav (66K) Blooper
- From Passing Through Gethsemane
- Brother Edward, "I would very much like to hear about Vall-en
- Lennier, "Valen."
- Delenn, "I would like that."
- Brother Edward, "Valen, sorry."
- Lennier, "It's OK."
virgkar.wav (101K) Blooper
- Londo, "That bastard G'Kar! He said he knew nothing about
this! G'KAR!!! "
- Vir, "G'KAR!!!"
visible.wav (57K) Blooper
- From Hunter, Prey
- Sheridan, "Sign of instrumentation... no... visible-blow...
(laughs) Visible-ble."
wargoing.wav (127K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "Babylon Control to Roanoke."
- Girl runs around Sheridan to the other side of C&C
- Sheridan, "Your ship is out of control, let us... let me do it
again, run around again, here we go. Hurry up! Hyah, there's a war going
on! Hyah!"
wefound.wav (28K) Blooper
- From The Long Night
- Ericsson, "We found ... (gibberish)"
whathave.wav (42K) Blooper
- Franklin, "I'll have a, uh... what'll I have, I'm sorry."
- laughter
whatname.wav (120K) Blooper
- From There All the Honor Lies
- Minbari, "Because we are the same, you may ask your questions...
if you can tolerate the answers."
- Director, "Cut."
- Lennier, "What is your name?"
whetthin.wav (236K) Blooper
- From The Long Night
- Londo, "Great Maker... your eye. I have smuggled in some Wheat
Thins for you."
- G'Kar starts ripping at the bag with his teeth
- Londo, "Wait, wait, wait. And a banana. (laughs)"
whoareu.wav (35K) Blooper
- From Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?
- Lorien, "(sings) Who-oh are you... who who... who who..."
whoever.wav (169K) Blooper
- From A Voice in the Wilderness II
- Ivanova, "My God, whoever's piloting that... (clears her throat)
Whoever's? Whomever's?"
- Woman, "Whoever's."
- Ivanova, "My God, whoever's... whoever's? I'm sorry... (laughs)"
whthell.wav (15K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "What the hell am I saying?"
willrobn.wav (180K) Blooper
- From Meditations on the Abyss
- Findell, "Lennier..."
- Lennier, "Um... have you seen this, Findell?"
- TheRobot, "Danger! Danger Will Robinson!"
- Lennier, "It's uh..."
- TheRobot, "Danger! Danger Will Robinson!"
- Lennier, "Standard Ranger issue... thing, here..."
- TheRobot, "My sensors indicate an intruder, danger. Danger!
Danger Will Robinson!"
- Lennier, "Shut up!"
wimbari.wav (70K) Blooper
- Ivanova, "I mean, everyone always said that it was impossible to
take out a ... a Wimbari Morecruiser? Shit."
winecool.wav (49K) Blooper
- Londo, "You wouldn't believe it, but three winecoolers, and I'm
wiped.wav (105K) Blooper
- From Grey 17 is Missing
- Ivanova, "Knowing Stephen, he's probably wiped his... (laughs)
Wiped his what? I'm sorry..."
wntbagel.wav (224K) Blooper
- Centauri Dignitary, "You want a bagel?"
- Londo, "Yes."
- Centauri, "There is not a bagel in the whole quadrant,
you could not a bagel."
- Londo, "Not a bagel?"
- Centauri, "No, not a bagel!"
- Londo, "Anything else?"
- Vir, "Excuse me ..."
- Centauri, "I could get for you a..."
- Vir, "... as long as you're going to be out, can
you ... those little potato things ..."
- Centauri, "But he wants a knish!"
- Londo, "A knish would be good, and some bialy."
- Centauri, "I could get for you a bialy. Now a bialy I
could get for you."
- Londo, "Go ahead, leave us alone, now. We're going to work
this out."
word.wav (79K) Blooper
- Garibaldi, "If I were you, I'd be spending my time concentrating
on that nasty, fucking word that escapes me at the moment."
wrgsectr.wav (61K) Blooper
- Sheridan, "Exactly. The number of refugees escaping into sector
forty ... well, I'm in the wrong sector."
xmas.wav (388K) Blooper
- Londo, "Oh, hello. I'm Londo Mollari. Are you stuck for a
Christmas gift? Think about the Book of G'Kar. Twelve beautiful Narns
in twelve beautiful months. Yes? Available now at Narns and Noble."
- G'Kar, "On Tuesday I'm going out with girls!"
- Londo, (laughs)
- Announcer, "Order now, only three payments of $19.95. Call
1-800-504-3135. That's 1-800-504-3135. Sorry, no C.O.D.s."
yomomma.wav (44K) Blooper
- Garibaldi, "Yours?"
- G'Kar, "No, your mother's!"
zack.wav (30K) Blooper
- Garibaldi, "Zack!"
- Zack, "Yeah?"
- Garibaldi, "Oh, you're over there."
zack2.wav (144K) Blooper
- Zack, "I had some of the greatest fuck ups last season... the
beginning part of the season that never made it onto the gag reel."
- Zack, "Which is exactly... well... Whoever stole... whoever
stole? Can we pick it up? Dammit. (gibberish)"