Sound files starting with I
i4giveu.wav (344K) The Fall of Centauri Prime
- NOTE: The pause was shortened.
- G'kar, "Mollari ... Understand, that I can never forgive your
people, for what they did to my world. My people can never forgive
your people ... but I can forgive you. (and dramatic music)"
iamempor.wav (193K) In the Beginning
- Londo, "Yes, I am the Emperor. Here, you see. This is the seal
of the Centuri Republic. Only the Emperor can wear it. So either
I am the Emperor, or I am in a great deal of trouble, or both."
iamhere.wav (87K) War Zone
- Galen, "Hello, Matthew. I just wanted to you to know that I am
here and watching, in case you should need help."
iamlondo.wav (18K) Day of the Dead
- Londo, "I am Londo Mallori"
iamstudy.wav (27K) The War Prayer
- Kosh, "I am studying."
iamvalen.wav (124K) War Without End II
- Sinclair, "(as Valen) I welcome you and present this place to as a
gift. I am called Valen and we have much work ahead of us."
ibincar.wav (11K) War Without End I
- Ivanova, "I'll be in the car."
ibut.wav (50K) Divided Loyalties
- Delenn, "But. I but, you but, she or she butts?"
icantdln.wav (161K) Racing Mars
- Sheridan, "There going to be out here?"
- Delenn, "Yes."
- Sheridan, "While we are in there?"
- Delenn, "Yes."
- Sheridan, "I can't. Delenn, I can't in front of other ..."
- Delenn, "John..."
- Sheridan, "No. No No."
icewater.wav (199K) A Day in the Strife
- Ivanova, "Always finding the good in every situation, eh
- Sheridan, "Absolutely. If I didn't, I might end up like you."
- Ivanova, "Hye, what's that supposed to mean? Did anybody
hear that? Did you hear that?"
- Corwin, "No, Commander."
- Ivanova, "Good. I swear, if we live through this, somebody's
going to find their shower preferences reprogrammed to ice water."
idiot.wav (68K) And the Rock cried Out, No Hiding Place
- Brother Theo, "I can only assume someone has been spray painting
the word idiot on my back again."
idntcnfm.wav (25K) Thirdspace
- B5 computer, "Identity confirmed."
ifb5fall.wav (46K) Walkabout
- G'kar, "Cause if Babylon 5 falls, we all fall with it."
ifimrite.wav (62K) The Long Road
- Galen, "And if I'm right, then it is definitely something
you should see."
- Gideon, "And if you're wrong?"
- Galen, "Oh, well that hardly sounds likely does it."
ifntnmbr.wav (572K) Legend of the Rangers
- Grey Council Leader, "Space contains an infinite number of mysteries."
ihurthim.wav (53K) Born to the Purple
- Sinclair, "Keep them talking. I'm going to find Londo
and bring him here."
- Talia, "What if he refuses?"
- Sinclair, "Then I hurt him"
ihv2bmag.wav (41K) The Face of the Enemy
- Bester, "I have decided to be magnanimous."
ihvlived.wav (328K) Infection
- Dr. Hendricks, "In the last five years, I've seen things off
world you can't even imagine. I've stood in the abendy desert and
seen all seven moons go into eclipse. I've walked in vaults that
sealed longer than there has been a human race. Breathing air that
is five million years old. You call that a short cut if you will,
but I lived. By God, Steven, I have lived."
ilikedi2.wav (114K) Objects in Motion
- G'kar, "But if you could have removed them at any time?"
- Lyta, "It made everybody feel safer. Besides, I think I
kind of liked it after a while."
ilikedit.wav (34K) Objects in Motion
- Lyta, "I think I kind of liked after a while."
ilikeher.wav (92K) Conflicts of Interests
- Franklin, "You know, I like her. It scares the hell out
of me sometimes, but I do like her. Just ah, don't tell her that,
ilogical.wav (83K) And the Rock cried Out, No Hiding Place
- Delenn, "You have been seating here trying to think illogically
about logical possibilities or logically possibilities."
iloveyou.wav (75K) Endgame
- Marcus, "(to Ivanova) I love you."
ilovuino.wav (109K) The Fall of Centauri Prime
- Lennier, "Delenn?"
- Delenn, "Yes."
- Lennier, "I love you."
- Delenn, "I know."
im1st1.wav (44K) What Ever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?
- Lorien, "I am the first one."
imbusy.wav (22K) A Call to Arms
- Galen, "I'm busy."
imgtmard.wav (58K) Objects in Motion
- Garibaldi, "oh, hey ... I getting married. (Kiss sound and
imissyou.wav (183K) Epiphanies
NOTE: a ten second blank was removed.
- Bester, "I ... miss you. There is no one at home for me to talk
to. Good night. I'll see you soon."
immortal.wav (38K) Deathwalker
- Kosh, "You are not ready for immortality."
imorphan.wav (83K) Epiphanies
- Bester, "The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father."
- Lyta, "In that case, Mr. Bester, I'm an orphan."
implhead.wav (112K) Epiphanies
- Delenn, "Sometimes, I try and picture you sitting on a beach with
absolutely nothing to do."
- Sheridan, "And?"
- Delenn, "And, the picture always ends with your head imploding "
imprn1us.wav (103K) The Long Night
- Ulkesh, "A human?"
- Lyta, "Yes."
- Ulkesh, "Imprisons one of us?"
- Lyta, "Yes."
- Ulkesh, "Intolerable."
imprtnt.wav (25K) Deathwalker
- Kosh, "Important"
imprtwld.wav (212K) Epiphanies
- Bester, "It ironic, I suppose, save the Earth force patrol and
continue the blockage of Babylon 5. Let them be destroyed and you'll
be framed for murder and loss sympathy back home. For you, it's a
loss, loss proposition, but like you said, it's an imperfect world."
impudent.wav (22K) Interludes and Examinations
- Kosh, "impudent."
imranger.wav (149K) Grey 17 is Missing
- Marcus, "I am a ranger! We walk in the dark places no others
will enter. We stand on the bridge and no one may pass. We live
for the One. We die for the One!"
imrealst.wav (98K) Racing the Night
- Chambers, "So far, so good."
- Gideon, "Then I expect trouble at any minute."
- Chambers, "You're a pessimist, Captain."
- Gideon, "I'm a realist."
imsolder.wav (240K) Learning Curve
- Lochley, "I am a solider, Mr. Garibaldi. And as such, my vocabulary is
rather limited. I only really understand three words. Loyalty.
Duty. Honor. If I did it your way, then one of those would have
to go and the other two would become meaningless."
imsorry.wav (46K) The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari
- Londo, "I'm sorry, G'kar."
imtelep.wav (91K) Ship of Tears
- Sheridan, "So how did you find out about all this?"
- Bester, "I'm a telepath. Work it out."
imykiltm.wav (236K) Appearances and Other Deceits
- Gideon, "Personal journal, Captain Matthew Gideon, continue. It's
now days, since our visitors arrived on behalf of political affairs office.
There is apparently some concern with how our work here is being perceived
back home. They've been assigned to help us. Before their tour is finished,
I may have to kill them. Assuming, Lt. Matheson doesn't beat me to it."
in2tfire.wav (166K) The Long Night
- Sheridan, "We're going into the heart of the fire; on one side
the Vorlons, on the other the Shadows, and us in the middle.
whether any of us will ever come back, I don't know.
in_fire2.wav (73K) The Coming of shadows
- Emperor, "How will this end?"
- kosh, "In fire"
inaminte.wav (144K) Survivors
- Londo, "Mr. Garibaldi, do you really think I would do such
a thing to you, my good and dear friend?"
- Garibaldi, "In a minute."
- Londo, "You're right, but I didn't ..."
incharge.wav (268K) The Geometry of Shadows
- Vir, "I am Vir cotto, Diplomatic attache to Ambassador to Londo
Mollari of the Centauri Republic. I am told by the people running
that way, that this is where I can find the technomages. I am here
on behalf of Ambassador Mollari and I need to speak to someone who
is in charge. Obviously it would be at your earliest convince."
incntrth.wav (54K) Thirdspace
- Sheridan, "Well, then it's ... it's damn inconvenient."
- Delenn, "The truth always is."
incorect.wav (18K) Interludes and Examinations
- Kosh, "Incorrect."
incrnatn.wav (46K) Atonement
- Dukhat, "You look as if you have been terrified into another and
better incarnation."
informed.wav (85K) Passing through Gethsemane
- Kosh, "formality, ritual, you should be informed."
infospek.wav (584K) The Deconstruction of Falling Stars
- Sheridan, "Welcome to Babylon 5. I understanding that you
surrendered to our forces in the hopes of finding mercy. The
Interstellar Alliance is not here to merciful to the weak. In all
the Universe there are only two kinds, the conqueror's and the
conquered. Your blood and the blood of your children, we will
blaze a path across the galaxy. What we can not take by force we
will win by subversion and in the end, we will bury you. Your lives
are not the first and will not be the last. If a billion must die
to ensure the continuities of our empire, then so be it."
inhere.wav (165K) Convictions
- Londo, "We're in here! Can anyone hear us?"
- G'kar, "(in a small voice) I hear you." and laughs
- Londo, "In here!"
- G'kar, "(in a small voice) We're in here." and laughs
initgrey.wav (248K) In the Beginning
- Dukhat, "Why do you come here Delenn?"
- Delenn, "I come to serve."
- Dukhat, "You do you serve."
- Delenn, "I serve the truth."
- Dukhat, "What is the truth?"
- Delenn, "That we are one people, one voice."
- Dukhat, "Will you follow me into fire? Will you follow me
into darkness? Will you follow me into death?"
- Delenn, "I will."
- Dukhat, "Then follow"
initscan.wav (13K) Hunter, Prey
- Sheridan, "Initiate scan"
inmyuniv.wav (140K) Epiphanies
- G'kar, "(to Londo) My world is free! You no longer exist in my
universe. Pray we don't notice one another again."
inogspek.wav (472K) No Compromises
- G'kar, "Whoever speaks for the alliance, speaks with one voice for
many. Consequently, This contains the first page of every holy book
of every race that has joined the alliance. Whoever speaks for the
alliance does so with the understanding that it is the inalienable
right of every sentient being to live free. To purser there dreams.
To address wrongs within their own society without the fear of
retribution. To believe as their consequence requires in matters of
faith, but to also to respect the rights of other to believe
differently or not at all."
inop.wav (37K) A Distant Star
- B5 computer, "Navigation system inoperative,
communication disrupted."
inqustor.wav (155K) Comes the Inquisitor
- Kosh, "We have sent for an Inquisitor."
- Delenn, "An Inquisitor. Why?"
- Kosh, "To be sure about you."
inrvsmle.wav (183K) Learning Curve
- Turval, "You are supposed to be listening only to your
inner voice."
- Tannier, "I was master. My inner voice was smiling. "
- Trace, "No one has an inner voice that smiles."
- Tannier, "I do."
- Trace, "I'd expect that from ... from the religious caste."
int-pol.wav (27K) Point of No Return
- Londo, "Vir, Intelligence has nothing to do with politics."
interweb.wav (24K) Eyes
- B5 computer, "commencing interweb link."
intgrcrd.wav (203K) Intersections in Real Time
- Interrogator, "(recording) You will cooperate with the state, for
the good of the state and your own survival. You will confess to
the crimes of which you have been accused. You will be released and
returned to society a productive citizen if you cooperate. Resistance
will be punished. Cooperation will be rewarded."
invsfish.wav (103K) Day of the Dead
- Rebo, "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. President, Alien races with
ears, Alien races without ears, and Zooty's friend Bingo the invisible
iperfect.wav (2,844K) Legend of the Rangers
- G'kar, "We are imperfect reflections of the universe around us.
We can not change the past, we can only learn from it, try to create
a future in which such errors do not recur. Sadly, we still working on
that last part."
irlevant.wav (28K) The Hour of the Wolf
- Ulkesh, "irrelevant."
irony.wav (59K) Objects in Motion
- Franklin, "When this place was built, I think irony was
of the primary materials used in construction."
irtatgas.wav (49K) Eyes
- Garibaldi, "Your starting to irritate me, Mr. Franks, and I don't
like being irritated. It gives me gas."
isa.wav (2,335K) Rising Star
- G'kar, "For many years, all of us, have prized our good
relations with Earth. You have shown though your example, that
strength comes from a multitude of voices brought together in
common case. Humans form communities. In that spirit, we have voted
to dissolve the league of non-aligned worlds and create a new
alliance, based on mutual cooperation and respect. An alliance born
in the diverse voices of many worlds, joined by their desire to build
a better future and their decision to voluntary recognize a common
authority. Ambassador."
- Delenn, "This new alliance will help less advance worlds,
improve their conditions, and encourage better relations between our
races, and promote free trade. Above all, it will world to create
peace. Central to this process in a group of Humans and Minbari,
trained to work together and dedicated to the higher principles of
duty, honor, and peace. There have been entrusted with the most
advanced fleet of ships in existence, now that the first ones have
left us. Among my people, they are called the Anlshock. Among your
people, they are called the rangers."
- Sounds of whitestars flying by.
- Delenn, "They come in peace and will stay only where they
are invited to stay. They will help protect you from raiders and
invasion by other races. They will work with your military and help
to strengthen your borders. But understand, they will do so equally
and fairly. If you are planning a war of aggression against your
neighbors, the rangers will hear about it and so will your neighbors.
If other worlds choose to intervene on behave of those being
attacked, the rangers will provide the information, but will not
intervene directly. Their goal is to create the peace, not enforce
the peace. This is a political and economic alliance, not one based
on strength. The gains you will achieve, by working peacefully with
your neighbors, far out weight anything you will achieve force.
The alliance recognized your sovereign right to govern your own people
by your own will. But membership in the alliance, means you will
honor a code of conduct in your relations with other worlds or risk
losing all the things we stand to give you. Finally, each member race
will be able to contribute volunteers to join the rangers, there by
ensuring their independence and fairness. All of us have agreed to
recognize the independent authority of the rangers. Madam President,
honor guests, I now invite you to join the new alliance. You may
decline, if that is your wish. We will leave in peace and honor your
decision. If you accept, we believe it will signal a new age of peace
and prosperity."
isabelle.wav (488K) The Well of Forever
- Galen, "She would sit across from on cold nights in
the study. Her tiny frame lost in enormous over stuffed chair,
her feet curled be beneath her. In my dreams, I still remember
the pattern of runes, handed stitched to the hem of her gown, even
though I never studied them. At night when I read alone, I still
her sighing over passages on the pages which troubled her. We
spent the nights in study, like that. Sometimes never saying a
word and never needing too."
isajoke.wav (17K) And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder
- Londo, "This is a joke!"
isawit2.wav (232K) The Fall of Night
- Keffer, "Ghost"
- Starfury pilot, "I don't want .."
- Keffer, "It was jet black. A shade of Black your eye
just slides off it. It shimmered when you looked at it. A
spider big as death and twice as ugly. When it flies past, it
like you hear a scream in your mind. I saw it too."
isayiam.wav (32K) A Late Delivery from Avalon
- Arthur, "You don't believe I am who I say I am."
ishaveit.wav (35K) Walkabout
- Ivanova, "The I's have it. The war council has spoken. We'll
do it our way."
isndocmt.wav (158K) Sleeping in Light
- Narrator, "An now for you that have been archiving this ISN
special documentary, the people responsible. Funding for this
program was possible by grants from the Anlashok memorial fund."
isnintro.wav (260K) Into the Fire
- The ISN intro. music
isnotis.wav (157K) A Call to Arms
- Sheridan, "I have to find out, if what I think is, is."
- Garibaldi, "And what if is, isn't?"
- Sheridan, "If it isn't, then it's not. But if it is, well
there you are."
isnrport.wav (49K) The Illusion of Truth
- ISN Reporter, "This is an InterStellar Network News special report."
isnrturn.wav (532K) Endgame
- ISN opening.
- ISN Reporter, "Hello ... I want ... welcome back our viewers. We've
been gone a long time. Over a year, since ISN was captured by elite
forces sent President Clark. Over a year, since marshal law was
declared. Many of us and our associates at other networks were
imprisoned, interrogated, even killed. All that changed last night."
isproblm.wav (88K) Walkabout
- Sheridan, "(sounding like Kosh) Is there a problem?"
- Lyta, "What?"
- Sheridan, "I said is there a problem?"
ispy.wav (288K) Racing Mars
- Marcus, "I spy with my little eye, something starting with B."
- Franklin, "Boxes."
- Marcus, "Right, I spy with my little eye, something starting with M."
- Franklin, "More boxes."
- Marcus, "Two in a row."
- Franklin, "And that's when I shot him your honor."
- Marcus, "I spy with my little eye, something starting with E."
- Franklin, "I give up..."
- Marcus, "Oh, come on."
- Franklin, "This better not be what..."
- Franklin, "(and Marcus) Even more boxes."
istlbher.wav (27K) Objects at Rest
- Zack, "Hell, I probably still be here, when they turn of the
iswhatis.wav (21K) Between the Darkness and the Light
- Ivanova, "Is that what I think it is?"
itbegins.wav (52K) Walkabout
- Kosh, "And so it begins."
itrfrurs.wav (288K) Visitors from down the Street
- Gideon, "You said, that my people have been interfering
with yours. How?"
- Durkani, "When money for our children education is cut,
we know it is because the outsiders want our people to remind
more ignorant, so they can be used and manipulated more easily.
Public funding for housing is cut back, it's because they need
the money to build more secret underground bases. The crime and
poverty rate have increased to kept us off balance. Every facet
of my world has been effected."
itsawake.wav (113K) Messages from Earth
- Delenn, "In Valen's name, It's Awake!." And about 5 seconds
of music.
itsthmax.wav (13K) Hunter, Prey
- Dr. Jacobs, "It's that Max!"
itstranq.wav (143K) The Face of the Enemy
- Sheridan, "Alright, what do you want me to do?"
- Garibaldi, "You already done it."
- Sheridan, "what?"
- Garibaldi, "It's a tranq"
- Sheridan, "what? what?"
- Garibaldi, "Don't fight it. Just give it up or they are
going to hurt you."
itstrue.wav (13K) Between the Darkness and the Light
- Lyta, "It's true"
ivanles2.wav (90K) War Without End I
- Marcus, "Assuming a worse case scenario."
- Sheridan, "Ah, the way things have been going lately,
I have decided to start taking Ivanova lessons."
ivanlesn.wav (31K) War Without End I
- Sheridan, "I have decided to start taking Ivanova lessons."
ivanonc4.wav (25K) Shadow Dancing
- Corwin, "I've got Commander Ivanova on channel 4."
ivanrumr.wav (197K) A View from the Gallery
- Mack, "Like when Ivanova left, everywhere I turned, somebody
had an opinion that one. One guy said she left, because she was heart
broken over that guy um .. (snapping) um..."
- Bo, "Marcus"
- Mack, "Marcus! Right ... Right ... Then somebody else said
she wanted a promotion. Quit, because she wasn't get paid enough
ivanvago.wav (13K) Epiphanies
- Ivanova, "Ivanova, go."
ivminbar.wav (87K) The Summoning
- Ivanova, "(speaking Minbari) Engines at full ... High power.
Hatfrack ratcatcher to port weapons ... brickhat lingerie."
ivseany1.wav (98K) Racing Mars
- Ivanova, "What more could you ask for?"
- Smuggler, "You seeing anyone, Ivanova?"
iwbeliar.wav (33K) The Ragged Edge
- Sheridan, "Well, I would be a liar, if I said I was happy to hear
iwlgowtu.wav (46K) War Zone
- Galen, "Then, I will go with you."