Sound files starting with P
pa-off.wav (24K) Point of No Return
- Sheridan, "P.A. Off."
pa-on.wav (19K) Point of No Return
- Sheridan, "Activate P.A."
painnass.wav (76K) Exogenesis
- Garibaldi, "Ivanova is right. You are a pain in the Ass."
pakmara.wav (400K) Learning Curve
- Durhan, "We have no idea what to do with the Pak'ma'ra.
They're slow, greedy, selfish, not very bright. They refuse to
speak anything other than their own language so we have to use
a translator, and they're carrion eaters. If it's not five days
dead and decayed they won't touch it."
- Turval, "We've had to move the quarters of the Pak'ma'ra
well away from the other recruits. It's the smell you see, it's
quite astonishing."
- Durhan, "I understand your desire to make the Rangers
representative of all the member races Delenn, but this may not be
panttalk.wav (71K) The Parliament of Dreams
- Ivanova, "(from the com link) Commander Sinclair. Commander?"
- Catherine Saki, "I don't mean to alarm you, but your pants
are talking to you."
- Sinclair, "I know."
paramtrs.wav (13K) Babylon Squared
- B5 computer, "Parameters"
paranoid.wav (80K) The Geometry of Shadows
- Sheridan, "So in other words, you're perfect for the job,
because you're paranoid and compulsive"
- Franklin, "Or compulsively paranoid"
- Garibaldi, "Who told you to say that?"
parganim.wav (260K) The Paragon of Animals
- Byron, "What a piece of work is man. How noble in reason.
How infinite in facilities. In form and moving, how express and
admirable. In action, how like an angel. In apprehension, how like
a god. The beauty of the world. The Paragon of Animals"
parkship.wav (1,120K) Legend of the Rangers
- Kitaro, "Ok, I'm parking the ship right here and we're not
leaving until someone tells me what the hell just happened here."
passcode.wav (93K) Racing Mars
- Captian Jack, "Lyta had a little Vorlon. Her skin was pale as snow and
everywhere that Lyta went her Vorlon was sure to go."
passdout.wav (78K) The Parliament of Dreams
- Vir, "Ah! He has become one with his inner self."
- Garibaldi, "He's passed out."
- Vir, "That too."
password.wav (36K) Eyes
- B5 computer, "Please input proper code and password"
pastels.wav (93K) Epiphanies
- Centauri Regent, "I'm thinking ... PASTELS!"
pastfutr.wav (90K) Z'ha'dum
- Delenn, "Minbari also have a phrase, what is past is
sometimes your future."
pastprlg.wav (68K) Z'ha'dum
- Delenn, "The Humans have a phrase, What is past is prologue."
pathcler.wav (166K) War Without End I
- Sinclair, "All my life, I have had doubts about who I am, where
I belong. Now I'm like the arrow that springs from the bow. No
hesitation, no doubts. The path is clear."
payatntn.wav (35K) The Hour of the Wolf
- Londo, "I can only assume you have not been paying attention."
payprice.wav (120K) Lines of Communication
- Delenn, "They destroyed ships from league worlds, murdered their
crews, destroyed White Star 16! And now ... They will pay the
payraise.wav (55K) Survivors
- Garibaldi, "Commander, I sense a huge pay raise coming
my way."
- Sinclair, (laughing) "Dream on."
paysucks.wav (141K) Moments of Transition
- Bester, "I mean, being a freedom fighter, a force for good, it's
a wonder thing. You get to make your own hours, looks good on a
resume, but the pay sucks."
pblcsrvc.wav (216K) A Call to Arms
- Dureena, "Perhaps, I should just shot myself now and save
myself a great deal of time and trouble. But no, that would be
selfish. As there greatest enemy, they would have trouble plans for
you, if we do not stop them. That's it, first I will shot you and
then I will shot me. I would consider it a public service."
- Sheridan, "I'm honored"
- Dureena, "Your welcome."
peace.wav (42K) The Geometry of Shadows
- Ivanova, "This station is dedicated to goal of finding
peaceful solutions for our problems."
peakin.wav (211K) Rising Star
- Londo, "It almost makes wish could peak in on them. See how
it is going. (pause) G'kar, the artificial eye that Dr. Franklin
gave you. Where is it?"
peekaboo.wav (55K) Ceremonies of Light & Dark
- Ivanova, "Peek a boo?"
- Garibaldi, "Would you have guess it?"
peekwndw.wav (29K) The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father
- Bester, "So your the one, that been peeking in my windows at night."
penlater.wav (24K) Convictions
- Lennier, "I will do penance later."
penyata.wav (168K) Dust to Dust
- Bester, "A pinyata huh. So you think of me a something
bright and cheerful, full of toys and candy for young
children. Thank you, that makes me feel much better about our
perhaps.wav (40K) Interludes and Examinations
- Kosh, "Perhaps."
petition.wav (232K) Messages from Earth
- G'kar, "Sometimes I even sing."
- Garibaldi, "I know, we got a petition."
- G'kar, "For or against?."
- Garibaldi, "Based on the sound, they think we are
torturing you in here."
- G'kar, "(laughs) Sit down Mr. Garibaldi. You know a
true artist is never appreciated in his time."
- Garibaldi, "Or his own cell block?"
pickmeup.wav (157K) Thirdspace
- Sheridan, "Can you swing by and pick me up on your way in?"
- Delenn, "Of course, in the fullness of time."
- Sheridan, "And how long is that? This isn't funny Delenn."
- Delenn, "Yes it is."
- Sheridan, "Oh, no it isn't!"
pikelnvy.wav (94K) What Ever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?
- Marcus, "It's a Minbari fighting pike, several hundreds
years old. You just jealous, because you don't have one. Bad case
of pikal envy if you ask me."
pikeopen.wav (70K) What Ever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?
- Marcus, "To open it ..."
- The pike opens which scatters boxes and a cat screeches
- G'kar, "I like it"
pizdlvry.wav (88K) A Call to Arms
- NOTE: the music washes out some of the words.
- First Officer, "Are those Drakh?"
- Captian Anderson, "Either the Drakh or the weirdest looking
pizza delivery trucks, I ever seen."
play4day.wav (94K) The Needs of Earth
- Gideon, "Leave it to me, Dr. Chambers. Given someone as
repressed as our Mr. Eilerson, I can play this one out for days."
playdoll.wav (30K) The Long Night
- Ivanova, "It's hard to believe but even I played with dolls
on upon a time."
playggod.wav (49K) Racing Mars
- Garibaldi, "So, Why do you go back to playing God and let the rest
of us, ah mire morals, get back to business"
playgod.wav (157K) Believers
- Sinclair, "Who asked you to play god?"
- Franklin, "Every damn patient who comes though that
door, that's who. People come to doctors, because they want us
to make it better or make it not so. They want to be healed
and they come to me when there prayers ain't enough."
playodds.wav (28K) Strange Relations
- Lyta, "Feel like playing the odds, Mr. Bester."
playtaxi.wav (97K) Each Night I Dream of Home
- Gideon, "Only a hand full of warlock destroyers have
come off the construction line so far. Who's ever on that shuttle
must be pretty damn important, to justify playing taxi."
plckcken.wav (33K) A View from the Gallery
- Mack, "I always thought they looked like plucked chickens."
plcktool.wav (99K) Epiphanies
- G'kar, "The Centrauri who plucked it out was not a surgeon of your
caliber. I believe he used something similar to this. I only saw it
end on, you see."
please.wav (86K) What Ever happened to Mr. Garibaldi?
- G'kar, "Does this please you?"
pleaseid.wav (14K) The Parliament of Dreams
- Catherine Saki, "Please identify yourself"
pleslivs.wav (154K) Sleeping in Light
- Zack, "A quarter million people coming and going. Every part of
this station has somebody's fingers printers on it, layers and
layers of peoples lives."
pln4wknd.wav (33K) War Zone
- Trace, "I've got plans for the weekend and being dead, ain't one
of them."
plntntmr.wav (240K) Passing Through Gethsemane
- Lyta, "I'm not with the Core anymore. That means I am not bound
by their rules. So if someone where to turn me in. I'd find him and
before they took me, I'd plant a nightmare deep in his mind, where
no else could find or remove it. And that person would spend every
night for the rest of his life screaming!"
plsd2metu.wav (58K) No Compromises
- Garibaldi, "The head of covert intelligence for the alliance is
pleased to meet you."
plsrths1.wav (61K) Darkness Ascending
- G'kar, "Pity. We never did find out what your pleasure threshold
plsrths2.wav (153K) Darkness Ascending
- Lyta, "Oh, and you mentioned wondering what my pleasure threshold
is. I just recently found out, I don't have one. Have a very very
nice day, G'kar."
ply4ivan.wav (131K) Exogenesis
- Franklin, "I can't believe this. We're sitting here.
Guns pointed at our heads. Walled up by alien pestilence. Neither
of us likely to get out of here alive. And you're thinking about
making a play for Ivanova. Is that right?"
plywlndo.wav (244K) A View from the Gallery
- Londo, "The Universe hates me, you know. I don't know why. I have
never done anything to the Universe to uh ... Well all right a few
things, but after a while, you would think it would be enough. Yes,
we have had our little fun with Londo Mollari for now. Perhaps, it
is time to move on and find someone else to play with."
pnfrdie.wav (46K) The Parliament of Dreams
- G'kar, "You will know pain."
- Na'Toth, "And you will know fear."
- G'kar, "and then you will die. Have a pleasant flight."
pntdover.wav (313K) Into the Fire
- Londo, "And speaking of your associates. We must make sure, that
we can talk privately. Do not move. (gun fire and shadow screams)
I will have to have that painted over, I suppose."
pnutbutr.wav (162K) The Long Road
- Lt. Meyers, "A twelve ton cargo transport disappeared entirely
from our planet side base for two days. When it reappeared, we discovered
that the engines had been removed and replaced with a substance
resembling peanut butter."
- Galen, "(laughs)"
poisndrk.wav (149K) Ceremonies of Light & Dark
- Lord Refa, "Why would I abandoned them?"
- Londo, "Because I have asked you too, and because your
loyalty to our people would be greater than your ambition, and
because I have poisoned your drink."
poison.wav (408K) Ceremonies of Light & Dark
- Londo, "It is very interesting poison. It comes in two parts. Both
are harmless are their own, but when combined they are quite lethal.
The first settles into the blood stream and the intestinal walls. It
stays there for years, silent, dormant , waiting. When the other
half of the poison enters the body, the two meet. Have a party
in your cardio-vascular system and suddenly you are quite dead."
poltmorl.wav (320K) Between the Darkness and the Light
- G'kar, "Since the war, we have begun working together as
never before. In the past we had nothing in common, but now the
humans have become the glue that holds us together."
- Vir, "If Sheridan's forces are defeated, then Earth will turn
in upon itself. They will be isolated or there turn against the
rest of us."
- Londo, "Politically, it is very wise."
- G'kar, "Morally, it is even wiser."
- Vir, "Politics and morally on the side? That doesn't
happen every day, Delenn."
pool.wav (130K) A Spider in the Web
- Ivanova, "You know how I feel about telepaths!"
- Sheridan, "Do I ever. You throw one out a third-story window
on Io..."
- Ivanova, "There was an ample pool below the window."
- Sheridan, "I'll assume you knew that!"
popimage.wav (124K) River of Souls
- Lochley, "Why else would they choose my image?"
- Garibaldi, "I hear it very popular."
- Lochley, "is it?"
- Garibaldi, "So, I'm told."
posndrnk.wav (29K) Ceremonies of Light & Dark
- Londo, "And because I have poisoned your drink."
postofic.wav (120K) A Late Delivery From Avalon
- Garibaldi, "What are you so nervous about? We went up against
entire earth alliance and two carrier groups."
- Unnamed Security Officer, "Yea, but this is the post office.
This could get us in real trouble."
postpone.wav (90K) No Surrender, No Retreat
- Captian Macky, "Commander Philby's promotion has just been
postponed by the crew. The Vesta is none hostile. We are standing
powercst.wav (85K) Epiphanies
- G'kar, "I have seen what power does. And I have seen what power costs.
The one is never equal to the other."
ppg-fire.wav (53K) The Exercise of Vital Powers
- ppg loading and firing, by Mr. Wade.
ppg.wav (28K) Eyes
- Ivanova, "May I borrow your PPG to shoot myself squarely
in the head?"
ppgfire.wav (14K) And The Sky Full of Stars
- PPGs firing.
ppgfire2.wav (16K) Phoenix Rising
- PPG fire with no music.
prayfast.wav (105K) Lines of Communication
- Lennier, "But I can program the parameters into the
Artificial Intelligence matrix."
- Delenn, "And what do you do then?"
- Lennier, "Touch this button, and pray very, very fast."
- Delenn, "Start working."
prbmslvr.wav (169K) Epiphanies
- Delenn, "Your a problem solver. You're one of these people who
would pick up a rope that's gotten all tangled up and spend an
entire day untangling it. Because it's a challenge, because it
defies your sense of order in the universe and because you can."
prcooked.wav (2,364K) Voices in the Dark
- ISN Reporter, "You don't like reporters do you?"
- Sheridan, "Of course I do, properly cooked. That's pak'ma'ra humor. I just got back from a
state visit to their home world. Now if I had said that their, they would have been laughing for days."
- ISN Reporter, "Mr. President --"
- Sheridan, "Actually all their jokes end in properly cooked. They just scream, even their cat
prdefall.wav (152K) In the Beginning
- Londo, "They have an expression, Pride goeth before a fall. Their
pride was their undoing. I know, I was there."
prefctlv.wav (148K) Ceremonies of Light & Dark
- Lennier, "My love Delenn is not quite what you may think. It is
not romantic love as you consider it. It something higher and
nobler, a pure perfect love if you will."
pres_as.wav (400K) Chrysalis
- ISN reporter, "Just a minute. We are picking up an
emergency signal now."
- Earth force 1 explodes.
- ISN reporter, "Oh! Are, are we still on the air? Station
Io is dispatching hospital ships, but it doesn't look seem possible ... "
- Sinclair, "Shut it off."
- ISN reporter, "... that anyone could have survived that kind
of explosion"
- Sinclair, "Shut it off!"
pretty.wav (60K) The Memory of War
- Dureena, "(with loud music) Pretty."
prevonb5.wav (22K) A Voice in the Wilderness II
- Sinclair, "Previously on Babylon 5."
prftform.wav (308K) The Rules of the Game
- Gideon, "Pluto once said that for everything that exists, there is
a perfect form of it somewhere. A perfect human being, a perfect chair, a
perfect stick, so that everything is a shadow of that one perfect form. Now,
if we follow that train of thought, that means that somewhere in the
universe there exists the perfect form of the perfect absolute and complete
idiot and he left here an hour ago."
problem.wav (19K) Walkabout
- Sheridan, "Is there a problem?"
promsmel.wav (116K) In the Kingdom of the Blind
- Byron, "There will come a moment, when I will ask you to leave
me behind. When that moment comes, you must do exactly as I say.
Promise me that Lyta."
prophec2.wav (1,303K) Point of No Return
- Lady Morella, "You have a chance few others will every
have Mollari. You still have 3 opportunities to avoid the
fire that waits for you at the end of your journey. You have
already wasted two others. You must save the eye that does not
see. You must not kill the one who is already dead and at the
last, you must surrender yourself to your greatest fear,
knowing that it will destroy you. Now if you have failed all
the others, that is final chance for redemption."
- Londo, "I, um, don't understand."
- Lady Morella,"The future reveals itself only
reluctantly ambassador. Take the sign for what it is. Look
for it when it appears."
- Londo, "I will. Thank you."
- Lady Morella, "One more thing. You will be emperor.
That part of your destiny can not be avoided."
- Londo, "I see."
- Lady Morella, "(to Vir) You will also be emperor."
- Vir, Laughs.
- Lady Morella, "Why are you laughing?"
- Vir, "I thought you were joking."
- Lady Morella, "We do not joke in the face of
- Londo, "Lady Morella please. We can not both be
- Lady Morella, "Correct. One of you will become
emperor after the other is dead. It is all we see and all we
wish to see."
prophecy.wav (1,295K) The Parliament of Dreams
- Delenn, "Will you follow me into fire, into storm, into darkness,
into death? And the Nine said Yes. Then do this in testimony to
the one who will follow, who will bring death couched in the promise
of new life and renewal disguised as defeat.
From birth through death and renewal, you most put aside old things,
old fears, old lives. This is your death, the death of flesh, the
death of pain, the death of yesterday.
Taste of it, and be not afraid. For, I am with you until the end
of time. Taste of it.
and so, it begins"
prphmtfr.wav (311K) The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari
- Londo, "I saw my death in a dream. I was an old man. How
do I know I won't survive this? Perhaps this will pass and I will
get better. The dream is prophecy."
- Vir, "Prophecy is a guess that comes true. When it doesn't
then it's a metaphor. You could put a gun to head tomorrow and pull
the trigger and then the dream is just a dream. That prophecy is
just a metaphor and so are you."
prplicvt.wav (95K) The Paragon of Animals
- Sheridan, "Oh, I can just hear Londo now, (immitating Londo) I
imagine you are finding your principles most inconvenient now, yes?"
prvtchnl.wav (145K) Meditations on the Abyss
- Captian Montoya, "But I know. And you should learn one very
important lesson. Never, every assume that no one can listen in
on a private channel."
prwambat.wav (65K) Knives
- Garibaldi, "I mean, I once say a whole chorus line of purple
wombats doing show tunes in my bath tube. Of course, I was pretty
drunk at the time."
psimatrl.wav (63K) The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father
- Bester, "Well, you made it pass the first stage. You just might be
PSI corps material after all."
psiprblm.wav (51K) The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father
- Bester, "Besides, this is an internal PSI Corps problem. That means
we deal with it in the family."
psirules.wav (97K) Mind War
- Psi-Cop Kelsey, "There are rules and there are rules Commander.
When telepaths go rogue, someone has to take them down. Only
Psi-Cops are qualified to do that."
psnexpnb.wav (77K) The Face of the Enemy
- Ivanova, "The captain once told me, the person is expendable,
the job is not. We kept going."
pstprtft.wav (198K) The Coming of Shadows
- Emperor Turhan, "The past taunts us, the present confuses us,
and the future frightens us and our lives slip away, moment by
moment. Lost in the vast terrible in between. But there is still
time to sees that one last fragile moment."
pswdaces.wav (46K) War Without End I
- B5 computer, "Unable to comply. Password required for access."
pswdcfrm.wav (35K) War Without End I
- B5 computer, "Password confirmed. Stand by."
pswdrqur.wav (273K) Legend of the Rangers
- Liandra's Computer, "Password required."
pten.wav (54K) Season 3
- The PTEN bumper before the episode
pthsorws.wav (44K) The Path of Sorrows
- Eilerson, "Enter freely, through the path of sorrows."
ptntequl.wav (159K) The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father
- Franklin, "Personally, No. But as a doctor, I have to
treat all my patients equally. Even the annoying self righteous
arrogant ones with self important delusions of god hood."
- Bester, "Ah, thank you. I feel far more at home now."
pullout.wav (44K) The Summoning
- Lyta, "You didn't have to pull out of me so fast, you hurt me!"
pulsecan.wav (123K) Racing Mars
- Ivanova, "And sooner or later your ships will have accidents."
- Smuggler, "My pilots don't have accidents."
- Ivanova, "They will. I'll see to it."
- Smuggler, "You wouldn't."
- Ivanova, "I have a 200 megawatt pulse cannon in the Foreword
Cargo bay that says otherwise."
punchit.wav (24K) Matters of Honor
- Sheridan, "Punch it!"
purple-f.wav (26K) Born to the Purple
- B5 computer, "Purple files accessed."
putthrgh.wav (30K)
- Sheridan, "Put it through"