Sound files starting with S
s1cred.mp3 (483K) Season 1
- Closing credits for Season 1.
s1cred.wav (404K) Season 1
- Closing credits for Season 1
s2cred.mp3 (532K) Season 2
- Closing credits from Season 2 and the first two episodes
of season 3
s2cred.wav (412K) Season 2
- Closing credits from Season 2 and the first two episodes of season 3
s2epilog.wav (712K) The Fall of Night
- Ivanova, "It was the end of the Earth year 2259, and
the war was upon us. As anticipated, a few days after the
Earth Centauri treaty was announced, the Centauri widened their
war to include many of the Non-Aligned Worlds. And there was
another war brewing closer to home, a personal one whose cost
would be higher than any of us could imagine."
- {dramatic music and mumbled talking.}
- Ivanova, "We came to this place because Babylon 5 was our
last, best hope for peace. By the end of 2259, we knew that it
had failed. But in so doing, it became something greater. As
the war expanded, it became our last best hope... for victory.
Because sometimes, peace is another word for surrender. And
because secrets have a way of getting out."
s3cred.wav (368K) Season 3
- Closing credits for most of Season 3
s3eplog1.wav (512K) Z'ha'dum
- G'kar, "It was the end of the Earth year, 2260, and the war had
paused, suddenly and unexpectedly. All around us, it was as if the
universe were holding it's breath ... Waiting. All of life can be
broken down into moments of transition or moments of revelation.
This had the feeling of both."
s3eplog2.wav (636K) Z'ha'dum
- G'kar, "G'Quon wrote, there is a greater darkness then the one
we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The
war we fight is not against powers and principalities. It is
against chaos and despair! Greater than the death of flesh is the
death of hope. The death of dreams. Against this peril we can
never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting in moments
of transition to born in moments of revelation. No one knows the
shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that
it is always born in pain."
s4cred.mp3 (526K) Season 4
- Closing credits for Season 4.
s4cred.wav (412K) Season 4
- Closing credits for Season 4. Recorded from The Hour of the
s4epilog.wav (476K) Rising Star
- Delenn, "It was the end of the Earth year 2261 and it was the dawn of a
new age, for all of us. It was the end of one chapter and the
beginning of another. The next twenty years would see great changes,
great joys, and great sorrows. The telepath war and the drakh war,
the new alliance would waver and crack, but in the end, it would hold.
Because what is build endures and what is lost endures, and Babylon 5
s4mono.wav (384K) The Hour of the Wolf
- G'kar, "The shadows have paused in their pursuit of war and every
where there is a sense of imminent change. Whether it is a change
for good or ill, no one can tell, because no one has answered to
very important questions. Where is Mr. Garibaldi ... and what
happened to Captain Sheridan at Z'Ha'Dum?"
s4mono2.wav (1,174K) The Hour of the Wolf
- G'kar, "It is now seven days, since we lost Captain and Mr.
Garibaldi. In a way, I think we have lost Ivanova. It is as thought
your heart has been pierced and her spirit has poured out their the
wound. She blamed herself. It is foolish. It is destructive. It is
... human. Ambassador Mollari has returned to Centauri Prime, to take
up his role as advisor on planetary security. I suppose he is quite
happy with his new position. It is what wanted, power, title,
responsibility. I think he is more alone then anyone else in the
Universe. Delenn has refused to eat for seven days, fasting, praying,
and waiting. Delenn believes, I think he is the only one who does.
The shadows have paused in their pursuit of war and every
where there is a sense of imminent change. Whether it is a change
for good or ill, no one can tell, because no one has answered to
very important questions. Where is Mr. Garibaldi ... and what
happened to Captain Sheridan at Z'Ha'Dum?"
s5cred.wav (286K) Season 5
- Closing credits for Season 5.
sacrileg.wav (91K) Messages from Earth
- Garibaldi, "What I can follow yea. I just wish there
was a translated version I could read."
- G'kar, "Uh! Sacrilege, It must be read in the mother
tongue or not at all."
saint.wav (59K) A Race Through Dark Places
- Ivanova, "You were like this when you were married?"
- Sheridan, "Ahn? Yeah."
- Ivanova, "Your woman was a saint!"
sanctuar.wav (171K) The long, Twilight Struggle
- G'kar, "Captain Sheridan, I have been instructed by my
government to come to you and ask for sanctuary."
santmrtr.wav (123K) Ruling from the Tomb
- Eilerson, "History is rarely cut and dry when it comes to
religion. One mans' lunatic is another's saint or holy martyr.
In the words of TS Elliot, saint and martyr rule from the tomb."
saveb4.wav (92K) War Without End I
- Delenn, "If we fail to save Babylon 4, then Babylon 5 will
also be destroyed."
saved.wav (428K) Convictions
- Londo, "There you see, I am going to live."
- G'kar, "So it would seem. Well it is an imperfect
- Londo, "Bastard"
- G'kar, "monster"
- Londo, "Fanatic"
- G'kar, "Murder"
- Londo, "You are insane!"
- G'kar, "And that is why we'll win."
- Londo, "Go be the ambassador to Babylon 5. It will be
an easy assignment. Oh, I hate my life."
- G'kar, "So do I."
- Londo, "Shut up!"
savesoul.wav (276K) Phoenix Rising
- Lyta, "I love you Byron. How can I leave you? "
- Byron, "I'm already gone. It's to late for me, but not for
the others. They are my lives work and my redemption for sins past.
You can not save my life, but you can save my soul."
savethem.wav (103K) Falling Toward Apotheosis
- Lorien, "You heard?"
- Sheridan, "I heard."
- Lorien, "They need to believe"
- Sheridan, "Not in me."
- Lorien, "You can't save them all."
- Sheridan, "I can try."
- Lorien, "You will fail."
- Sheridan, "We'll see."
sawkosh.wav (444K) The Fall of Night
- Sheridan, "The whole station's talking about what
happened. Every race that was in the garden saw something
different... yet the same. A being of light."
- Delenn, "Yes. Each according to his or her type."
- Sheridan, "But it was Kosh, wasn't it? That's what he
meant when he said that if he left his encounter suit, he'd be
recognized by... everybody."
- Delenn, "For millions of years, the Vorlons have
visited other worlds, guided them and..."
- Sheridan, "Manipulated us? Programmed us so that...
when we saw them, we would react the right way?"
- Delenn, "It is, as you say, a matter of perspective."
sawnothg.wav (164K) The Fall of Night
- Drazi, "And you, Ambassador Mallori, what did you see?"
- Londo, "Nothing. I saw ... nothing."
sawteyes.wav (38K) Meditations on the Abyss
- Findell, "I saw it in his eyes."
- Vir, "We see what we want to see."
sayingno.wav (51K) Voices of Authority
- Julie Musanta, "(refer to Sheridan) I never seen anyone come
up with a many creative ways of saying no to a simple
scan.wav (31K) Eyes
- Colonel Ari Ben Zayn, "The regulations on telepathic scan."
scancomp.wav (14K)
- B5 computer, "Scanning complete."
scencrot.wav (1,280K) Legend of the Rangers
- Dulann, "Taking the scenic route?"
- David, "Something like that."
scnrrang.wav (38K) In the Beginning
- Morann, "Sir, we're picking up a silliwet at the edge
of scanner range."
scream.wav (29K) In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum
- Talia, "(screams when she gets to close to the shadows)"
- Shadow, "(sounds like the shadows are saying) wait."
screwit.wav (251K) Voices in the Dark
- Lochley, "Screw it."
scrterth.wav (157K) Endgame
- Sentor Crosby, "Captain Sheridan, this is an emergency transmission. President
Clark is dead. He took his own life before we could arrest him, but
he left a message on his desk. Two words, scorched earth."
scrtgrop.wav (44K) A Call to Arms
- Dureena, "There is no sense belonging to a secret group, if you
tell everybody about it."
scrtout.wav (276K) The Fall of Night
- ISN Reporter, "When our ship encountered a distress
beacon attached to an Earth Force recording device, these
images, released exclusively to ISN, were found on that
recording. Strategic analysts in EarthDome have indicated they
don't know who this new race might be... but promised to find
{Images of a shadow ship, destroying keffer's starfury.}
scrtrevl.wav (90K) In the Kingdom of the Blind
- Byron, "Give us a homeworld of our own and you will never hear
from us again. Fail to do so and all your secrets will be revealed."
scrwthem.wav (94K) Visitors from Down the Street
- Matheson, "There are probably some who'll say that by
doing this, we are interfering with their culture."
- Gideon, "probably. Screw them."
sdthings.wav (160K) Movements of Fire and Shadow
- Regent, "They said many many things. Things, I did not want to
hear. Things, I did not understand. Things, I did not want to
searchmd.wav (7K) A Distant Star
- Keffer, "Search mode."
seceding.wav (908K) Severed Dreams
- Sheridan, "May I have your attention please. In the last few hours, we
have learned that war ships are coming this way from earth. There orders
are to seize command of Babylon 5 by force. As commanding office and
military governor of Babylon 5, I can not allow this to happen. President
Clark has violated the earth alliance constitution, by dissolving the senate,
declaring martial law and personally ordering the bombing of civilian targets
on the Mars colony. He is personally responsible for the death of hundreds
of people. Following these attacks, Orion 7 and Proxima 3 have broken away
from the alliance and declared independence. Babylon 5 now joins with
them. As of this moment Babylon 5 is seceding from the Earth alliance.
We will remain an independent state until President Clark is removed
from office. At the end of the current crisis, any who wish to leave
for earth are free to do so. Mean while for your own safety, I urge
everyone to stay in your quarters until this is over. That is all."
secrchif.wav (61K) The Gathering, Pilot
- Londo, "You're a security chief. Shouldn't you be out
securing something."
security.wav (37K)
- Maverick, "C&C this is security over."
sedragon.wav (252K) The Long Road
- Gideon, "They report seeing a dragon."
- Galen, "What?"
- Gideon, "A dragon, big as skyscraper."
- Galen, "Ah, breathing fire and all that?"
- Gideon, "Supposably, yes, but they haven't found
any damage. Can't be much of a dragon."
- Galen, "Did they say what color it was, red, green,
- Gideon, "Gold, with red eyes."
see_soon.wav (35K) Promotion sound
- Ivanova, "This is Commander Susan Ivanova of Babylon 5. Come
back and see us soon."
seegod.wav (123K) In The Shadow of Z'ha'Dum
- Franklin, "Just as they look past you, the moment that they look
past you, you can't help but meet that gaze and, just for a
instance, you see God reflected in their eyes."
seejoy1m.wav (103K) In the Beginning
- Londo, "Thank you, for allowing me see joy one more time, before
it gets to dark to see anything anymore."
seelater.wav (30K) Rumors, Bargains and Lies
- Franklin, "I'll see you later... probably."
seething.wav (68K) The Long Night
- G'kar, "I can see things now, that were invisible to me before."
selah.wav (284K) The Deconstruction of Falling Stars
- ISN Reporter, "There is a word in the Old Testament used
to call for silence between passages, selah. It means pause and
consider. So tonight starting with a report from special
correspondent bitterbain and a word or ten from our usual panel
of experts. We have set aside a few moments to reflect, discuss,
pause, and consider. Selah."
sendinfo.wav (18K) All Alone in the Night
- Delenn, "Send me the information please."
sentrick.wav (22K) A Tragedy of Telepaths
- Bester, "I've seen this trick before."
seriousg.wav (27K) A View from the Gallery
- Lochley, "We are in serious gwono here, lieutenant."
services.wav (39K) Deathwalker
- Kosh, "I wish to engage your services."
setlscor.wav (288K) Rising Star
- Sheridan, "(to Bester) See Mr. Garibaldi is finishing up some
personal business on Mars. Once it's done, I image he will turn
his attention to you. And to tell you the gods honest truth, I
rather face those sharp shooters of yours, then what he will do
when he finds you. I don't know exactly how he plans to settle the
score, but I sure it will be creative, colorful, and extremely
seventn.wav (360K) War Without End II
- Londo, "There is the legacy of your war! The price we paid
when you abandoned us to the enemies you escaped from!"
- Sheridan, "This couldn't have happened, not in this amount
of time. What year is this?"
- Londo, "This is the last year, and the last day, and the
last hour of your life. Seventeen years since you began your great
crusade, seventeen!"
sex.wav (12K) Acts of Sacrifice
- Lumati Ambassador, "We will have sex."
sh-3wife.wav (154K) Strange Relations
- Lochley, "A very long time ago, Sheridan and I were married for all
of about three months."
- Garibaldi, "Get out of town. How many wives does he got?"
- Lochley, "Just three."
shadbrth.wav (58K) Messages from Earth
- shadow, "(birth /rebirth? scream)"
shadchrp.wav (9K) Interludes and Examinations
- Shadow, "Chirp"
shadowsf.wav (43K) The Hour of the Wolf
- Morden, "I'm just a ... Shadow of my former self."
shadpass.wav (34K) Messages from Earth
- The sound of a shadow ship as it passes by.
shadvorl.wav (220K) Into the Fire
- Delenn, "Then there is no hope?"
- Shadow, "(as Delenn) There is only Chaos and Evolution."
- Vorlon, "There is only Order and Obedience. You will do
as you are told."
- Shadow, "(as Delenn) You will fight, because we TELL you to
- Vorlon, "You will die for us, when we TELL you to die for
us, because the others know no other way."
sharcfus.wav (179K) Meditations on the Abyss
- G'kar, "I talk. They ask questions. I don't think anything
gets resolved."
- Franklin, "Well, I would like come and sit in on it.
If you don't mind."
- G'kar, "As you wish. You have given me back my sight. The
least I can do in return is share a little of my confusion."
sharewtr.wav (107K) The Rules of the Game
- Gideon, "We don't have to wait to recycle the water, we could a
... we could share."
- Lochley, "It's environmentally safe."
- Gideon, "Waste not, want not."
- Lochley, "absolutely."
sharwgrp.wav (29K) Rumors, Bargains and Lies
- Ivanova, "Is there something you would like to share with the
rest of the group?"
sharwtus.wav (25K) Objects in Motion
- Franklin, "Michael is someone else you would like to share
with us?"
shdoshd1.wav (118K) The Fall of Centauri Prime
- Regent, "What are we but, ..."
- Drakh, "A shadow of shadow. An echo of what was."
shdoshd2.wav (44K) The Fall of Centauri Prime
- Drakh, "A shadow of shadow."
shdwatck.wav (89K) Ship of Tears
- Ivanova, "The Shadows have just started attacking Brakiri space,
openly. They're not hiding anymore. They are finally on the move."
shdwpass.wav (51K) Z'ha'dum
- The scream of a shadow ship as it passes by.
shdwscrm.wav (34K) Messages From Earth
- A shadow ship, screams.
shdwtech.wav (64K) Between the Darkness and the light
- Ivanova, "We knew they had gotten their hands on a shadow vessels,
but who would have thought they could have adapted the technology
this quickly."
shecrazy.wav (163K) A Tragedy of Telepaths
- Garibaldi, "Right down the shaft. Right smack in the middle
of them. Zack just gave me the news. You got to give it to her, she's
got guts."
- Sheridan, "She is crazy. She was crazy when I knew her
twenty years ago and she is just as crazy now."
- Garibaldi, "You hired her."
- Sheridan, "Don't remind me."
shedidnt.wav (240K) The Path of Sorrows
- Galen, "If I believe differently, even for a moment,
... then she died, because someone somewhere decided that she
deserved to die and she did not;. She did not! But you do!"
sher-no.wav (13K) Intersections in Real Time
- Sheridan, "no."
sher-yes.wav (45K) Rumors, Bargains and Lies
- Sheridan, "YES!!!!!"
sherdied.wav (65K) The Summoning
- Drazi Ambassador, "Sheridan died trying to attack Z'ha'dum. No
one who goes there comes back alive."
sherforc.wav (28K) No Surrender, No Retreat
- Captian Hall, "Those are Sheridan's forces"
sheridan.wav (148K) Ruling from the Tomb
- Lochley, "Do you believe that there is a supreme being."
- Gideon, "Aside from John Sheridan."
- Lochley, "Yes, aside from the wisest, bravest, sexiest man in
the galaxy. Apart from him."
shipiurs.wav (68K) Matters of Honor
- Marcus, "Her name is the whitestar and she is yours Captain."
shllwego.wav (18K) Racing Mars
- Marcus, "Well shall we go daring?"
shoetght.wav (592K) The War Prayer
- Londo, "My shoes are too tight."
- Vir, "Excuse me?"
- Londo, "Something my father said. He was old, very old
at the time. I went into his room and he was, sitting alone in
the dark, crying. So I asked him what was wrong and he said, My
shoes are too tight, but it doesn't matter, because I have forgotten
have to dance. I never understood what that meant until now. My
shoes are too tight and I have forgotten how to dance."
shoeuses.wav (40K) The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari
- Londo, "Here, take my shoe. It'll be as usefully to you as he is."
shot.wav (133K) the Illusion Of Truth
- ISN Reporter, "You're crazy. I am going to file a report
with your superior officer."
- Zack, "Well you do that sun shine. Remires, check
the box."
- Remires, "Yes sir. Good shot chef"
- Zack, "Well don't say that, until you know what I was
aiming at."
shotbstr.wav (189K) Ship of Tears
- Sheridan, "Mr. Bester, we no longer have any ties to Earth or
the Psi Core. So we don't have to put up with you or your games.
Now, I am sitting on four brand new unidirectional pulse cannons.
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow you out of the sky?"
shothim.wav (21K) Racing Mars
- Franklin, "And that's when I shot him, your honor"
shotmenw.wav (23K) River of Souls
- Lochley, "Shoot me. Shoot me now."
shotrock.wav (32K) Rumors, Bargains and Lies
- Marcus, "Shoot a bunch of rocks and then leave."
shotself.wav (120K) Wheel of Fire
- Sheridan, "I tell you. The next person who acts
irrationally, I am going to shot myself in the head."
- Delenn, "Bastards!"
- Franklin, "Did she just?"
- Sheridan, "She did!"
- Franklin, "I'll get the gun."
shotsite.wav (71K) The Face of the Enemy
- Ivanova, "And you tell them, that if he turns up on the station.
I want that son of a bitch shoot on sight."
shottwic.wav (83K) River of Souls
- Corwin, "Ok. Activate defense grid. Launch all starfuries.
And if they move shoot them. If they don't move, shoot twice, they
are probably hiding something."
showisn.wav (26K) Epiphanies
- Sheridan, "Computer, show us ISN." Computer then beeps.
showmeit.wav (40K) Shadow Dancing
- Franklin, "(to himself) Now you take responsibility. Show me
that you want it!"
showuhel.wav (73K) Between the Darkness and the Light
- Lyta, "What do you know about hell? Would you like me to show
it to you, mine and his? "
shrdnyes.wav (19K) Rumors, Bargains and Lies
- Sheridan, "YES!"
shrdqust.wav (185K) The Hour of the Wolf
- Sheridan, "Who are you?"
- Lorien, "Who are you?"
- Sheridan, "How did I get here?"
- Lorien, "You were born."
- Sheridan, "Why am I alive?"
- Lorien, "Well, that is the question, isn't it?"
shreturn.wav (142K) The Summoning
- Sheridan, "I have seen the face of the enemy. They are not gods
and they're not indestructible. I fought them and I killed many of
them. And I have survived."
shtdwntr.wav (217K) Voices in the Dark
- B5 Computer, "Shutting down transmissions"
shthimdd.wav (46K) Lines of Communication
- Ivanova, "If he won't my commanding officer, I swear shoot him dead."
sidetrth.wav (50K) There All the Honor Lies
- Ashan, "Whose side are you on?"
- Lennier, "We are on the side of the truth. Is there
silence.wav (59K) The Summoning
- Emperor Cartagia, "Silence! Silence! Where is the joy in that
silfshbk.wav (200K) Sleeping in Light
- Black and white scene, from Season 3.
- Drazi, "Sheridan died, trying to attack Z'ha'dum. No one
who goes there comes back alive. "
- Sheridan, "We can end this, not just for now, not just for
the next thousand years, but forever! Will you stand together!?"
sillyrmr.wav (952K) Legend of the Rangers
- G'kar, "So that whole Earth-Minbari war was just a silly rumor?"
silprlog.wav (256K) Sleeping in Light
- Garibaldi, "The Interstellar alliance, based on the homeworld
of the Minbari federation, was founded in the Earth year 2261,
Shortly after the end of the shadow war twenty years ago. Twenty
years of history. Those of us, who survived, have seen it all and
those of us, who understand, have been waiting and dreading the
arrival of this day."
singgkar.wav (452K) The Parliament of Dreams
- G'kar, "sings thinking of thinking of calling someone."
skidmark.wav (156K) A Day in the Strife
- Franklin, "No, no, no, I don't want to hear it. Now you
get on that web. You use his emergency code and you find him! Or I
swear, the last thing I will do is send a report on your incompetence
straight to earth dome. You'll be disbarred so fast, you'll leave
skid marks as they throw you ass out of the EMH. Now you get on it
and you get on it now!"
slepprsn.wav (21K) The Long Night
- Ivanova, "Sleepers or prison. Sleepers or prison."
slfdstct.wav (37K) Appearances and Other Deceits
- Gideon, "I'm authorizing self destruct. One way or the other this
ends here."
slhchant.wav (51K) Soul Hunter
- Soul Hunter, "Se tor Re tor"
slpbestr.wav (182K) Ship of Tears
- Bester, "You know, when I first came to Babylon 5, I
studied your record. Terrible pity about your mother, but she
took her own life. It wasn't the corps that did it. I was
just noticing, you have her eyes."
- Ivanova slaps Bester.
slpythef.wav (80K) Ruling from the Tomb
- Eilerson, "If you didn't care, you wouldn't have helped."
- Dureena, "No I helped, because he was a sloppy thief and I hate
to see a sloppy thief win. It reflects badly on the rest of us."
smackhim.wav (71K) The Rules of the Game
- Gideon, "Can I smack him, just once?"
- Lochley, "No"
- Gideon, "I never get to have any fun."
smagic.wav (19K) The Memory of War
- Galen, "sympathetic magic."
smelbook.wav (244K) Objects in Motion
- G'kar, "I find I am actually looking forward to seeing the
universe with you along side, Lyta. Perhaps we will find something
extraordinary. Perhaps something extraordinary will find us. Either way,
it going to be quite an adventure. "
- Lyta, "I smell another book coming."
- G'kar, "What a wonderful idea."
smelmrtn.wav (42K) Atonement
- Franklin, "It smells like the inside of a Martian pleasure
dome on Sunday morning."
smplstop.wav (66K) Sleeping in Light
- Lorien, "And then, one day, he will simply, stop."
smplystp.wav (492K) Falling Toward Apotheosis
- Lorien, "I did the best I could. I gave him back a portion
of his life, but only a portion."
- Delenn, "How long?"
- Lorien, "In human terms, baring injury and illness, perhaps
twenty years, but no more than that."
- Delenn, "twenty years."
- Sheridan, "I'll be in my early sixty by then. It's a good
run Delenn."
- Delenn, "You told me, that humans live to be hundred years
old, even older. You can?"
- Lorien, "twenty years, no more. And then one day, he will
simply stop."
smtgnice.wav (46K) And The Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place
- Brother Theo, "He said something nice about me. I must
write this down in my diary."
snakes.wav (42K) Survivors
- Sinclair, "Your more trouble then a toilet full of snakes,
but I could not run this station without you."
sndmarns.wav (20K) Ceremonies of Light & Dark
- Boggs, "Tell them to send in the marines!"
sndydrve.wav (292K) Sleeping in Light
- Sheridan, "When I was a kid, every sunday dad would take us out
for a drive. We never knew where we were going, that was half the
fun. We just go. He'd say, pick a direction and one of us would
point, off we'd go."
snlr-bio.wav (372K) And the Sky Full of Stars
- Knight One, "You name is Jeffery David Sinclair. Rank:
Commander. Age thirty-nine. Born on Mars colony, May 3, 2218,
9:15am, earth standard time. Enlisted in Earthforce defense 2237.
Promoted to fighter pilot 2240. Promoted again to squad leader, less
than a year later. A career officer, like your father, and his father,
and his father. Smart money said you make admiral one day. So what
happened, commander?"
snlrmesg.wav (820K) The Coming of Shadows
- Sinclair, "I'm in trusting this message to an associate of mine
who is sworn to bring it to you at any cost -- including his own
life. My job on the Minbari homeworld is more than just representing
Earth. The President doesn't know about that part yet, and ... I
don't think it would be wise of you to tell him. There's a great
darkness coming, Michael. Some of the Minbari have been waiting
for it a long time. The bearer of this message is one of my rangers.
Some are Minbari. Most are humans. They have been drawn here to
learn to work together and prepare for the fight ahead. Their job
for now, is to patrol the frontier, to listen, to watch, and return
with reports too sensitive to trust to regular channels. They are my
eyes and ears. Where you see them, you see me. In the name
of our friendship, I ask that you give them every courtesy and
cooperation. I wish I could tell you more ... I wish I could warn
you. But the others don't think it's time yet. Stay close to the
Vorlon, and watch out for shadows. They move when you're not looking
at them."
snlrrsng.wav (89K) Points of Departure
- General Hague, "Your commanding officer, Commander Sinclair, will
not be returning to Babylon 5. He's being reassigned, permanently."
snw7narn.wav (200K) The Needs of Earth
- Chambers, "Where did you get this?"
- Gideon, "Mr. Eilerson said he did how time to print up
his latest report, so he gave it to me data crystal. After I
finished watching it, I forgot to turn it off and found this at
the end. There is Snow white and the seven Narns, who's your
little Pak'ma'ra, others.
soitbegn.wav (55K) Chrysalis
- Kosh, "And so it begins."
soitbgns.wav (46K) War Zone
- Galen, "And so it begins."
soldsrtn.wav (24K) Strange Relations
- Garibaldi, "I'm the soul of discretion"
solvmyst.wav (84K) Atonement
- Delenn, "If the universe puts a mystery in front of us as a gift,
then lightness requires that at least try and solve it."
somhapns.wav (135K) The Long Road
- Gideon, "How much longer are we supposed to wait here?"
- Galen, "Until something happens."
- Gideon, "What if nothing happens?"
- Galen, "Something always happens (door opening sound)."
sonbitch.wav (16K) Z'ha'dum
- Garibaldi, "Son of a bitch."
sonsafe.wav (122K) War Without End II
- Delenn, "Our Son is safe..."
- Sheridan, "Son?"
- Delenn, "...That's all that matters. John, I love you."
spacedrk.wav (94K) Signs and Portents
- Ivanova, "I've always had a hard time getting when it
dark outside."
- Sinclair, "But in space, it's always dark."
- Ivanova, "I know... I know."
spcdrgon.wav (109K) Messages from Earth
- NOTE: I wish it had been a Giant flying space Duck!!!! (You had
to be there.)
- Marcus, "There is always the threat of an attack by say a
giant space dragon, that kind that eats the sun every thirty
days. It's a nuisance, but what can you expect from reptiles"
speak.wav (34K) The Illusion of Truth
- Garibaldi, "Speak the devil's name and he shall appear."
speakout.wav (136K) The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari
- G'kar, "Whether it was a total stranger or your worse enemy, you
were a witness! It doesn't matter if they stopped! It doesn't matter
if they listen! You had an obligation to speak out!"
speklstn.wav (39K) Thirdspace
- Vir, "It's not the speaking that the problem, it's the listen."
splcarot.wav (119K) Day of the Dead
- Rebo, "But Rebo, the man in the store said it was
a special kind of carrot and that is why it whistled."
- Zooty, "Oh, Zooty, for you fifty thousand year of
human civilization was just something that happened to other
people. Wasn't it?"
spocred.mp3 (649K) The Gathering, Pilot
- Closing credits for The Gathering, Pilot (original)
spocred.wav (444K) The Gathering, Pilot
- Closing credits for The Gathering, Pilot (original)
spoobrin.wav (40K) Meditations on the Abyss
- Vir, "Want to finish our little conversation, spoo for brains?!"
sprdhapy.wav (117K) A Voice in the Wilderness I
- Londo, "Now I go to spread happiness to the rest of the station.
It is a terrible responsibility, but I have learned to live with it.
" and laughs.
sprtwing.wav (165K) Lines of Communication
- Number two, "And we are supposed to believe one man saying
- Marcus, "Yes! If it's the right man."
- Mars Resistor, "And yea. And what if I said I sprout
wings and fly to New York? Huh? (others laugh)"
- Franklin, "In your case, I would say you are crazy. But if
Sheridan said it, I'll tell him to stop off on the west side and
pick me up some bagels!"
srch4god.wav (1,084K) Meditations on the Abyss
- G'kar, "If I take a lamp and shine toward the wall, a bright spot
will appear on the wall. The lamp is our search for truth, for
understanding. To often we assume the light on the wall is god.
But the light is not the goal of the search, it is the result of the
search. The more intense the search, the brighter the light on
the wall. The brighter the light on the wall, the greater the
revelation upon seeing it. Similarly, someone who does not search,
who does not bring a lantern with him, see nothing. What we
perceive as god is the by produce of our search for god. It may
simply be an appreciation of the light, pure and unblemished. Not
understanding that it comes from us. Sometimes, we stand in front
of the light and assume we are the center of the universe. God
looks astonishingly like we do or turn to look at our shadow and assume
all is darkness. If we allow ourselves to get in the way, we defeat
the purpose, which is use the light of our search to illuminate the
wall in all its beauty and all it flaws. And in so doing better
understand the world around us."
srdr2dth.wav (728K) What Ever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?
- Lorien, "You can't turn away from death simply, because
you're afraid of what might happen without you. That's not enough.
You're not embracing life, you're fleeing death. So you're caught
in between. Unable to go forward or backward. Your friends need
what you can be when you are no longer afraid. When you know who
you are, and why you are, and what you want ... When you are no
longer looking for reasons to live ... but can simply BE."
- Sheridan, "I can't ... I don't know how to do that."
- Lorien, "And I can not help you, and you will be caught
forever in between. You must let go ... surrender yourself to
death. The death of flesh, the death of fear. Step into the
abyss and let go."
srt-fran.wav (53K) Ceremonies of Light & Dark
- Franklin, "I uh, think I have a problem."
srt-gara.wav (72K) Ceremonies of Light & Dark
- Garibaldi, "I'm afraid all the time of what I might do if I every let go."
srt-ivan.wav (35K) Ceremonies of Light & Dark
- Ivanova, "I think I loved Talia."
srt-sher.wav (139K) Ceremonies of Light & Dark
- Sheridan, "I realized, I never told you how much I care about you, how
much you mean to me. I think it's time you knew that."
srtyovrd.wav (28K) Thirdspace
- B5 computer, "Security override."
srvvpolt.wav (64K) Appearances and Other Deceits
- Mr. Wells, "Trust me on this one Captain. If anyone knows
how to survive political changes, it's me."
srygtcgt.wav (62K) The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari
- G'kar, "Your not sorry for what you did. Your just sorry that you
got caught."
stand-by.wav (11K)
- B5 computer, "Stand by"
standby.wav (64K) The Needs of Earth
- Matheson, "It looks like we going by .... stand by."
- Gideon, "Don't say stand by, when we are one word away
from good news."
starcame.wav (252K) Ceremonies of Light & Dark
- Sheridan, "From the star we came and the star we will return, from
now and until the end of time. We therefore commit these bodies to
the deep." and about 10 seconds of taps.
starstuf.wav (388K) A Distant Star
- Delenn, "Then I will tell you a great secret, Captain.
Perhaps the greatest of all time. The molecules of your body
are the same molecules that make up this station, and the
nebula outside, that burn inside the stars themselves. We are
star stuff, we are the universe, made manifest, trying to
figure itself out. As we have both learned, sometimes the
universe requires a change of perspective."
startwar.wav (37K) Eyes
- Note: Garibaldi is whispering.
- Garibaldi, "If I kill him, it would start a war."
statrprt.wav (34K) Conflicts of Interests
- Zack, "Computer, status report."
stdbyrcv.wav (20K) The Deconstruction of Falling Stars
- B5 Computer, "Please stand by to receive."
stealb4.wav (117K) War Without End I
- Delenn, "John, with Babylon 4, we will be able to save my people
and yours. It has already been done. All we have to do now is make
sure that we do it then."
stecstsy.wav (38K) Epiphanies
- Londo, "Perhaps you would like to sit down, before you are
overcome by ecstasy."
stgbmdtp.wav (57K) The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father
- Bester, "The struggle between mundanes and telepaths will be no
struggle at all."
stilhere.wav (60K) In the Beginning
- Delenn, "Are you still here?"
- Kosh, "We have always been here."
stopprgm.wav (12K) TKO
- Ivanova, "Stop program."
stopstrg.wav (116K) Wheel of Fire
- Delenn, "Stop starring at me."
- Sheridan, "Sorry, I couldn't help it."
- Delenn, "One would think you have never seen a pregnant,
half-human, half-minbari before."
storbgus.wav (53K) Between the Darkness and the Light
- Franklin, "This damn well better be worth it, because if this
story of your turns out to be bogus, I am going to kill you twice.
You got that?!"
storjobe.wav (69K) Racing the Night
- Galen, "Well, then if this is the story of Jobe, then a great
deal of people are inconvenienced for your benefit. I hope you appreciate
stpncrcl.wav (896K) Legend of the Rangers
- Grey council leader, "Step into the circle David Martel and
prepare to receive judgment."
stptlkmnd.wav (54K) Ship of Tears
- Carolyn, "Please, make it stop talking in my mind."
straycat.wav (228K) Racing the Night
- Gideon, "If it comes to that, you have your own ship. A ship
like that built by technomages could probably get through a gravamatric
field. You could leave."
- Galen, "Ten years ago, I rescued a certain stray cat. That
brings with it a degree of obligation. I can't exactly going wandering
off every time he gets stuck up a tree now can I."
stressed.wav (142K) Ceremonies of Light & Dark
- Sparky,"You know, your looking very stressed. This is not
good. Hey how about something to eat maybe a nice piece of brisket.
you'll suck an orange."
- Garibaldi, "Would somebody please fix this thing, before I go
out of my mind."
strfryef.wav (31K) Thirdspace
- Starfury firing and moving sound effects.
strgnotn.wav (127K) Acts of Sacrifice
- Lumati Ambassador, "Thanks you for the stimilating
conversation doctor. You have some strange notions, but I'm sure
they will pass with time."
- Franklin, "Strange notions. Yea, I got your strange
notions right here."
strgtans.wav (170K) War Without End I
- Marcus, "The only way to get a straight answer out of
Ranger 1 was to look at every reply in a mirror, while hanging
upside down from the ceiling"
- Sheridan, "Did it work?"
- Marcus, "Oddly enough yes or after a while you passed
out and had a vision. Either way the result was pretty much
the same."
strkback.wav (29K) Midnight on the Firing Line
- Londo, "We'll strike back and strike back hard."
strpnakd.wav (324K) The Illusion of Truth
- Sheridan, "Commander. Did you threaten to grab the whole of
this man by the collar and throw him out an airlock?"
- Ivanova, "Yes, I did."
- Sheridan, "I am shocked. Shocked and dismayed. I remind
you that we're short on supplies here. We can't afford to take
perfectly good clothing and throw it out in the space. Always take
off the jacket off first. I told you that before. Sorry, she meant
to say stripped naked and thrown out an airlock. I apologize for
any confusing this might have caused."
strtfght.wav (54K) Strange Relations
- Lochley, "You just don't walk into someone's office and start a
fight, unless invited to do so."
strynovr.wav (91K) In the Beginning
- Londo, "The story is not over yet. The story is never over."
strystck.wav (132K) Racing Mars
- Ivanova, "Everybody entitled to a fresh start."
- Smuggler, "Your even willing to forget about the business
with ..."
- Ivanova, "Yes, even though it did make Mr. Garibaldi's hair
fall out. You had no way of knowing what was in that bottle and
that's my story and I am sticking to it, just in case he asks."
stunprle.wav (272K) The Parliament of Dreams
- Londo, "Have I ever told you, that you are very cute, for a minbari.
Oh and you are cute too, in an annoying sort way. Everybody's cute.
Everybody's cute. Even me. But in purple, I am stunning. "
stupdjob.wav (117K) Dust to Dust
- G'kar, "Who would have believed it. The great and powerful
Londo, got his job because no one else was stupid enough to
take it."
stupsyay.wav (33K) And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder
- Londo, "Shut up."
- G'kar, "I didn't say anything."
stytgrdn.wav (142K) Passing through Gethsemane
- Brother Edward, "I always wanted to know, if I would have the
courage to stay at the garden at Gethesemane. Now I know."
suaei.wav (217K) Messages from Earth
- Garibaldi, "But where in my contact does it say that I
have to eat the same food for breakfast everyday for three
- Sheridan,"Paragraph 47, subsection 19, cause 9a. You
can find it in the index under S.U.A.E.I."
- Garibaldi,"S.U.A.E.I.?"
- Sheridan and Ivanova,"Shut up and eat it."
summon9.wav (170K) Moments of Transition
- Delenn, "Today, we rebuild what was broken. Today we restore the
gray council. I summon the Nine as Valen called them together long
sumtears.wav (124K) Objects in Motion
- G'kar, "We are all the sum of our tears; To little and the ground
is not fertile and nothing can grow there; to much, the best of
us is washed away. "
suncomup.wav (232K) Sleeping in Light
- Sheridan, "Well, look at that, the sun's coming up. (and Music)"
sunshine.wav (165K) No Surrender, No Retreat
- Sheridan, "Hostiles might be splitting up so they can be with
both groups to keep them in line."
- Marcus, "Unless they are all hostile and some are just more
hostile than others."
- Sheridan, "Well thank you for that ray of sunshine Marcus.
Next time I feel the need to be depressed I will remember to give
you a call."
surcntrl.wav (18K) The Gathering, Pilot
- Tech 1, "Please surrender control of your vessel"
sure.wav (114K) Believers
- Sinclair, "I just wish I could be more sure."
- Garibaldi, "Sure is for people with nothing on the
line. You and me, we just get on with it."
- Sinclair, "Now I know how Pontius Pilate must have
surpris2.wav (38K) Signs and Portents
- Ivanova, "Surprise."
surprise.wav (25K) Survivors
- Garibaldi, "Nothing the government does surprises me."
surrend1.wav (272K) Severed Dreams
- Corwin, "Jump gate activated. Here they come!"
- Captain Smith, "This is Captain Dexter Smith of the Earth
Alliance Destroyer Aggripa to Babylon 5 and renegade ships. You
are ordered to surrender your commands and prepare to be boarded."
- Major Ryan, "Launch fighters!"
- Captain Smith, "This is your only warning. If you do not
surrender, we will initiate deadly force."
surrend2.wav (68K) Severed Dreams
- Captain Drake, "This is Captain Drake. you are ordered to
surrender your vessels and prepare to be boarded by order of
President Clark."
survive.wav (76K) Legacies
- Neroon, "Perhaps there was some small wisdom in letting
your people live."
- Sinclair, "We like to think so."
susnivan.wav (480K) Between the Darkness and the Light
- Ivanova, "This is the White Star Fleet. Negative on
surrender! We will not stand down."
- Captain J Thompson, "Who is this? Identify yourself?"
- Ivanova, "Who am I? I am Susan Ivanova. Commander. Daughter
of Andrei and Sophie Ivanov. I am right hand of vengeance and the boot
that is going to kick your sorry ass all the way back to earth. I death
incarnate and the last living thing that you are every going to see.
God sent me."
swhatnow.wav (93K) Into the Fire
- Delenn, "So what now?"
- Vorlon, "You do not speak for the rest."
- Shadow, "They will not follow you, if you are dead."
sworn.wav (59K) The long, Twilight Struggle
- Delenn, "They have sworn their lives, their fortunes, and
their blood to help fight the coming darkness."
syimsory.wav (360K) The Coming of Shadows
- Franklin, "(speaking for Emperor Turhan) He wanted to
say, he is sorry. "
- G'kar, "What?"
- Franklin, "He came all the way out here, risked his
health, and endangered his life, so that he could stand beside a
Narn, in neutral territory and apologize for all the things the
Centauri have done to your people ... for all the things his family
did. He said, we were wrong. The hated between our people can never
end, until someone is willing to say, I'm sorry."
symmetr2.wav (129K) War without End I
- Zathras, "Zathras is used to being beast of burden to other peoples
needs. Very sad life. Probably have very sad death, but at least
there is symmetry."
symmetry.wav (71K) War Without End I
- Zathras, "Very sad life, probably have very sad death, but at
least there is symmetry."
sysovrld.wav (42K) War Zone
- unamed, "Systems on over load, Sir. Massive damage to reactor."
systbusy.wav (19K) The Deconstruction of Falling Stars
- Garibaldi, "Whoops, I guess the system's busy."