B5 books

The Best place to get information on Babylon 5:
Offical Babylon 5 sites
Sound sites
- Jump... Jump Now!
Trying to add sounds that Jim Ward does NOT
have and pictures from the show (video-grabs). Also a little episode
guide which is under construction.
Mr Video B5 pics, sounds, and VIDEOS!
Alexander Richter's Homepage: Babylon 5 Corner Just some sounds
and pictures, and maybe some videoclips in the future...
What Do You Want? Shadow Site.
- Adam's Babylon 5 Universe Movies, Pictures,
Sounds Find It All In Adam's Universe
Blooper Reels There are 5 reels total here, from 2 from 1st and
2nd Season and 1 from 3rd season. The page is in Finnish, but you can
probably manage to find them. They're at the bottom of the page.
- The White Star Fleet Summary of Babylon 5, Sounds,
pictures, some cool links.
The Music of Babylon 5 Full of inforomation on Babylon 5's
soundtracks and Christopher Franke. Tons of high-quality MP3s also!
- Babylon 5: The Gag Reels Our last, Best change to
screw up our lines..
- The
Sonic Images B5 soundtracks page has excerpts from the soundtrack
album. Also you can order the CDs.
- Bay 12,
which has some sounds and pictures.
Picture sites
World War Central Lots of good rendered pictures
Karly's art page Fan art as well as pics of Crusade,babylon 5,
annamei,pokemon and Sonic.Some fan fic also
- b5files b5files -
great archive of babyon 5 files. screen savers, themes, wallpapers,
fonts, utils and other growing titles. big link list available.
- Calvin's B5 pages A fairly large archive of pictures
of the ships of B5 (and Crusade as they become avaliable), most being
3d models, with a few exceptions. Lots of good wallpapers, kept
up-to-date for the most part.
Babylon5 - The place to be ... B5-TP2b has over 250 rendered
images, lots of information about the episodes, technology, races,
cast and much more.
Cross-Stitch by JudyL Cross-Stitch interpretation of many B5 images
(most shown as they progressed). Characters include (so far) G'Kar,
Lennier, Marcus, Garibaldi, Ivanova, Lorien, Sheridan/Delenn/Sinclair
and Vir. Non-characters include The Station (in one piece and exploding),
B5 Logo and Crusade Logo
A babylon5 website
full of painted images of the characters and technology from the show.
Sevylon 5 A Cartoon parody of Babylon 5 (from the creator of
Sev Trek)
Babylon 5 Includes downloads of pictures and sounds. Also has any
new news on Crusades. Links to other B5 pages.
Leena Ojala's Babylon 5 Homepage Babylon 5 site with pics and
Desktop Starships Dedicated to Sci-fi pictures. Hundreds of
high quality 3D images sized for desktop wallpaper. Over 100 B5
images alone. A few quality themes and some sound files.
Meisal's Babylon 5 Page Pictures and Info!
Cybertim's Babylon 5 page A new B5 site. Being updated often.
- Babylon 5 Turns Feline! Photoshop-ed images of cats
in Babylon 5 outfits.
Star Riders pages Images, and other stuff.
Scorp's Babylon 5 Page! lots of pictures and other goodies.
Information sites
Clare's B5 site
- The Babylon 5 Pants Page A Hilarious page that
explores what happens when you take a Babylon 5 quote and remove one
word, replacing it with the word "pants."
- Unofficial Babylon 5 Cards
About.com Babylon 5 Fans This site is updated several times a
week with the latest Babylon 5 news, reviews, and information.
Joanne's Babylon 5 Stuff Favorite links, sound files, pictures,
The Crusade links to other Crusade sites and Informashon on the
cast. Along with a Link to the White Star Fleet page.
- Ranger on the Rim Theories thoughts and discussions
on B5, including 'How was Kosh Poisoned?'
- E.A.S. Pegasus
Information on Babylon 5, Crusade and Sailor Jupiter.
- Avalon Rangers Babylon 5 Trivia The Avalon Rangers
Home Page contains Trivia concerning Babylon 5 on variety of
categories. It also a variety of links to other sites within the
Interstellar Alliance
- The Babylon 5 shrine A page based on the description
of each race in full though its evolution with the series.
Valens Rangers B5 sounds, bios, pics, vids, sounds, plus
much more!!
- The Babylon 5 Universe Information on B5 Races,
Technology,individuals, links,pictures, and even some sounds coming
- Victoria's Domain! ~ Babylon 5 Fanfic Archive
Exclusive fanfic available only on this site, along with original
fiction.... I want this site to be a collection of the best b5
stories out there.... :)
The Babylon 5 Episode Guide An (almost completed) comprehensive
guide to the complete Babylon 5 storyline, all indexed and cross-linked.
The people of b5 animated gifs, bios, pics
Joanne's Babylon 5 Stuff Links and e-mail request for other
Babylon 5 fans.
Bronxey's home page SciFi and Fantasy
Meisal's Babylon 5 Page Pictures and Info!
Babylon 5 - Beyond the Rim Has almost eveything but sounds!......
The Wonderful World Of Flarn It's a site with general information
on Babylon5 (soon Crusade too), miguided attempts at humor, the
Vorlon god Booji, a button shop and FLARN!
- Mircalla's Jumpgate A comprehensive list of over 200
Babylon 5 sites on the internet.
Babylon 5 Calendar Page Monthly updated page with an actual
Calendar (e.g. for Desktop Background)
Babylon 5: Shadows in the Twilight Contains Pictures, Infomationn
on wars, governmets and ships and links
- Babylon 5 Mythology Home for a paper that I did
titled "Campbell's Monomyth: A study of Babylon 5 as well as a links
page and a branch site for the International Anla'shok Organization.
All very new and being updated a lot!
Babylonia A site filled with information about Babylon 5,
including characters, technical data and more...
Babylon 5 - The last of the Babylon Stations One of many Babylon 5
pages with as many news flashes as I can obtain. New book release
listings and convention news. Join the "list" for the latest news
and Chats by "Invitation Only".
Sleeping in the Light Wanna watch the last B5 episode with other
The Unofficial Guide To Babylon 5 A guide to Babylon 5.
Containing info on all five years, episodes, movies, tons of pics and
loads of other stuff.
Lurking on the Station A new page, not many graphics, one unique
item, the lurking on the Station article. Enjoys a good stauts at
TNT's site by forum members
The Babylon Project Lots of information about Babylon 5.
Views from the Gallery with reviews, polls, news, and other
interesting stuff.
GammaNET Bablyon 5 IRC and images
- Psi Cop's Home Page
The Zocalo The homepage for the newsletter, The Zocalo
Walkers of Sigma-957 covers the old races of babylon 5
- A page with links to the stations that carry babylon 5
web listings, and remember BE NICE to them!
Sector 14 with many more links to various pages besides just
picture and sound for Babylon 5.
Role Playing and Games sites
Mods.Firstones.Com A page dedicated to Babylon 5 mods and a
freeware project.
Whitestar 13 Nice loose rpg with original characters only.
- Deliverance 2265: Soundtrack Contest Deliverance
2265 is a play by e-mail RPG. As the music of Babylon 5 is what made
it unique in the world of Sci-Fi. I am hopeing to find music artist
out there willing to aid in continuing it's legacy.
- Lots
A Babylon Project player/fan site focused on expanding the fleet
combat possibilities for the EFSB. Enhanced with Front Page 2000 for
IE5. C
- Vengeance Fleet &
StellarCast Home to one of the original B5: Into the Fire
squadrons, and StellarCast- an internet radio show covering the
universe of Babylon 5.
Thirdspace: Convergence -- A Babylon 5 Sim A new play-by-email
simulation based on the movie Thirdspace, following a three-year story
arc. One of its kind, 3SC debuts July 4th.
- IAS Na'Grath'Na Homepage for the Narn StarCruiser
IAS Na'Grath'Na in the B5 e-mail rpg Omega Fleet
ASG - Babylon 5 Simulations The Alliance Simulation Group's
Babylon 5 Simulations Division. We run different type sims on AOL,
IRC, and E-Mail.
Agents of Gaming This is the company home page for the
miniature-based warship combat system for babylon 5, "Babylon 5 Wars",
by Agents of Gaming
Babylon-5 to Duke Nukem Total Conversion Babylon-5 to Duke Nukem
Total Conversion
- The Babylon 5 RPG: E.A.S Hypocrites A Babylon 5
based RPG/Sim. If enough people sign up for it, I might consider
making a fleet sim.
Online Sim Group Homepage We have Star Trek, Babylon 5, and
many more types of sims (RPG's)
Babylon 5: Between Darkness and Light A page dedicated to
Babylon 5 and an online game ran by a few fans that love the game.
Shadow Court Conspiracy of Shadows Home Page, Includes Race Stats,
Ship Control Sheets, Adventure Seeds, Rules Errata, New Situation
Rules, New Ship Designs for the Babylon Project... Always under
Steves Babylon 5 RPG a free and fun role playing game set in the
babylon 5 universe.
Kyle's Babylon 5 Gaming Page Page covering all the different games
available based on the Babylon 5 universe
EAS Odyssey Babylon 5 E-mail Sim
- Babylon 5 PBEM RPG: EAS Gladiator An Omega-class
Destroyer based after the last season of B5.
Actor, Character, Group, and/or Race Fan pages
The Official Mira Furlan Site Official homepage of Mira Furlan
Gjorge's Shadow Site Shadow info, pics and icons
- Ivanova Is God! The Claudia Christian Website
Devoted to Susan Ivanova
Goran Gajic & Mira Furlan - The Celebration A celebration of the
lives and work of director Goran Gajic & his wife, actress Mira Furlan.
The Definitive Andreas Katsulas Pages The professional work, from
stage to screen, of Andreas Katsulas (G'Kar), including upcoming
convention appearances.
Carver's Unnoficial Peter Jurasik Page I was upset at the lack of
Peter Jurasike webpages, so I made one. A few pictures, many sounds,
news, upcoming events.
Susan and Delenn Pictures and Sounds This is a place to see Susan
and Delenn pictures and hear them on sounds, I have gotten these
pictures from numerus homeages and the sounds also.
The Zack Allan & Lyta Alexander Page Home for Zack/Lyta
relationshippers or those who just like their characters.
The Michael O'Hare Site A fan site dedicated to Michael O'Hare
(Commander Sinclair). Fans may contribute to this site.
- The Corwin Home Page A fan site dedicated to
Josh Cox with Pic's, thoughts, and more.
lonegungrrl's Shrine to Lt. David Corwin A fan site dedicated to
Lt. Corwin played by Joshua Cox. With links to other Joshua Cox sites.
- From MsMoxey A page of praise for Babylon 5,
J. Michael Straczynski and Michael O'Hare.
The Official Jason Carter Fan Club Website The official site of
the Jason Carter Fan Club, (known as Marcus in B5). The site is
sanctioned by Jason Carter and is a site where fellow fans can
contribute and obtain the latest information on Jason's career.
Jerry Doyle Drool Page Information, links, and over 600 pictures
of the man behind the B5 character, Michael Garibaldi.
The Delenn and Lennier Romantics Association DeLeRA is a page
rivaling the John/Delenn site in that we cater for the B5 fans who
long(ed) to see Lennier and Delenn get romantically involved! :)
- The Vault The Lyta Alexander Unofficial Fan Club. A
large compilation of files and information regarding telepath Lyta
Alexander and the actress Patricia Tallman
Plenty O' Pak'ma'ra Funnies, information, and sound waves about
the Pak'ma'ra. Hope to be able to update our page at least once every
2 weeks, if enuf info is available!
- The Pak'Ma'Ra Anti Defamation League Need I say
The Vorlon Home Page Where you can find information about
the Vorlons.
The Claudi Christian Tropical Page
Colossus Poetry Corner featuring a peom about Claudia leaving.
If you are a big fan of Claudia, then you are not going to be happy
with this poem.
The Narn Homeworld Featuring Narn Vidclip of the Week,
Narn History, Narn Profiles, Narn Ships, and much more.
All Narn, All the Time.
Lyta's World
Rangers Unified Network contians sounds and pictures. A must
for Earth bound Rangers.
- Eye on Minbar All things Minbari, episodes to watch,
detailed information on Minbari Terms and Timeline, as well as
Planetary and Caste/Clan information.
The Unofficial Lennier Fanclub Website a homepage for our fave
bonehead Minbari, Lennier! In English and Minbari.
Has Babylon 5 and other Science fiction
The Outback A realm for Star Trek & Babylon 5
- Myrkr.com Reviews,
Opinions/Editorials and Original Content for Babylon 5, Star Trek,
Star Wars, and the X-Files.
"ship detected in sector 14..." This is my tribute to Babylon 5,
as well as a begin of a web based group (the G.D.M.Fleet), which has
a relatively large gathering already(off-line).
DFFQI A small fanzine with all the basics covered.
Check out the B5 spin-offs for a Vorlon of a different color.
The Subversive Pomegranate A character-oriented site to B5, among
other things...there's much more to come...
Chad's Sci-Fi Web Page A small page for Babylon 5 and Star Wars.
Sci-Fi & More Babylon 5,Star Trek.Dawsons Creek,Computers &
Technology,Business & Finance,Personal Page & my Design Company
(LNS Design)
The Babylon 5 Escape Pod A Psi Corp introduction and other cool
B5 stuff, as well as Star Trek
Big Drew's Big Sci-Fi Site This page is devoted to science fiction
in general, B5 is probably my favorite show, but the site is note
solely devoted to it.
Entil'Zha's Science Fiction Obsession with many science fiction
information, including (of course) Babylon 5
The Science Fiction Contiuum with Babylon 5 information and
Pini's HomePage With Babylon 5 and other SciFi
NiteHawk with some Babylon 5 stuff.
Datagirl7's Babylon 5 Page
John C.'s home page of sci-fi/space fantasy
Some sounds and pictures from Babylon 5 and other sci-fi/space
Sites for the B5 books.
Jeanne Cavelos Home Page The home page for Jeanne Cavelos, author
of BABYLON 5: THE SHADOW WITHIN, and the upcoming BABYLON 5
techno-mage trilogy, THE PASSING OF THE TECHNO-MAGES.
Sites That don't fall into catagories
Non-English sites
babylon 5 Russian speaking website with semi-active forums.
Mavericks Babylon 5 Home Page German speaking page. Downloads,
Chat, ICQ, MP3,... etc.
Babylon 5 Universe Homepage Site in portuguese (Brazil) with
lot's of details and informations! B5 History, characters, ships,
maps, pic's, episodes, Minbari War, Minbari language, links...
- Frank's Babylon 5 Page It's a page which has
information and links included with pics and sounds. Also there is a
Synopsis section which gives the synopsis of season 5.
Erns Homepage Babylon 5, Star Trek, Bruce Springsteen. In german.
orbis terrae et amplius A German language information site.
UFO Babylon5 Samoloty In Polish. Spaceship was the only
description giving for the page and I don't read Polish.
THE RIM dutch B5 chatroom Dutch B5 chatroom: Chat about the latest
B5 epi.'s on Dutch TV. Saturdays 19.00 - 22.00 h. (NL time)
StellarCom (In German) Great Link Pool and
many Infos about Babylon 5 and "The X-Files"
Proxima 3 Home Page: "Mais Uma Pagina de Babylon 5" Babylon 5
information page, in Portuguese: Bios, ships, links, multimedia,
Unsere letzte und einzige Hoffnung auf den Sieg This is a German
page. Its purpose is to introduce new viewers to the show and to
provide information for German viewers.
Garibaldi´s B5 Homepage A fan page for Garibaldi, in GERMAN.
Babylon 5 Center German speaking page. It has a lot of Babylon
5 WAVs, MP3s and Desktop Themes
Now that the Series is over, sites closing down. WE WILL MISS YOU!
Sites that didn't answer and may not exist anymore

B5 books
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