Updated 10/31/07
It should be noted, because there seems to be some confusion as to where I am located. I live in Laramie, Wyoming, USA. Not Down Under. I took the name from part of the B5 station. Down Below, where the Lurkers live, etc...
I would like to Thank JMS for creating a Great TV show, that has cause many many hours of Enjoyment and several hours of Frustration :), plus that many more hours of fun creating these pages and recordings sounds.
These pages are not assocaited with the Computer Science Department, Spatial Database and Visualization Center, or the Univeristy of Wyoming. This site is maintened by Jim Ward, but should not be confused with any acceptance of the Univeristy as taking responsiblity for these pages.
All sounds files contained within the Down Below Sound Archive For Babylon 5 are Copyright Sci-Fi, TNT, PTEN, Warner Brothers & Babylonian Productions, Inc. The work of creating many of the sound files and pages is by Jim Ward, but the above copyrights still hold. Inserting direct links to the individual files or file sections, WITHOUT permission from Jim Ward is prohibited. Links to the Main Page (index.html) itself is both encouraged and appreciated.
For Sound players for any platform (I hope), try the Free Sound and Music Software site.